anyone have Amy K

Monroe, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi Dahlia Lovers. At this months most recent Carolina Dahlia Society meeting someone gave me a tuber of "Amy K" because that is my daughter's name (Amy Kathleen). I was thrilled! Unfortunately it didn't have an eye and never grew. Anyone have one they are willing to part with for postage or trade? I had never even heard of this variety until it was given to me. Might not be too common. Thank so much.


PS: Sharing Magic Moment. I thinks she is lovely!

Thumbnail by thripmaster
Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

If I had known that you had liked dahlias, I would have sent you some tubers instead of postage for the heirloom daff.
This looks like a neat dinnerplate white one.
I haven't heard of this one so sorry, none here.

Monroe, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi Carol. I actually love dahlias! I have over 100. But...Amy K would have been my most special. Wouldn't you know that is the one that didn't grow! Maybe I'll get lucky and someone else will have it. Magic Moment is actually not a dinner plate. It is one size smaller. Cool spring though and the dahlias are just really nice with big flowers. Lets have a big tuber swap this fall. I always dig and divide and then can't bear for all the tubers to not go to a good home! Now I know a potential adoptive mom to send them to!


Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Yep, I would love to trade.
But you have a lot like me now. So it will be interesting to see what we all have in the fall. I am getting more picky now. I kind of went overboard before and now I know what I like.
I really like the waterlily types.
So remind me and I will send you a list of what I have. Maybe you can do the same too.

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

hiya thripmaster,

Now that's a FLOWER!!

thanks for posting it. Holy Smokes!!

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Robin, I have Amy K. Contact me after bloom time and I will see if it multiplied. :-)


Monroe, NC(Zone 7b)

Mendy!!!!! Thanks so much! I should have know that your would have it! I am thrilled. I was starting to think that Amy K was going to be impossible to find. Please do remember me when you start to divide your tubers. I'm sure I have something around here that you might like to swap.

Thanks again Mendy.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

No problem. :-) BTW, the E. Ears and the Toad Lily are looking good.....I think they're gonna make it. Thanks so much for them!


Monroe, NC(Zone 7b)

I'm glad the ears are making it...the toad lily I wasn't so worried about. If you like toad lilies I have a great new one called Gates of Heaven. It is lime green. I have an ear that I found on the ground the day after I dug yours. I planted it and it looked sad for a while. It also is now sending out new leaves and starting to look like it is going to make it. I guess I underestimated those ears! They were tougher than I thought. All my daylilies from the swap are doing great! None seem any worse for wear. How are yours? Any chance for a bloom from them this year?

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

I think one of my e. ears is sending out a new leaf too. I'm glad they are gonna pull through. Let me see how I do with this toad lily first and then I will let you know about the other one. I hope I can keep this one alive! It seems to be doing just fine though.

Yep, I saw a scape on "Mapping Carolina" today! I am sooooo excited! I will definately post pics of them when they pop open! I'll have to look again tomorrow at the others to see if there are any scapes coming up. Once I saw the scape on MC I forgot to look at the others cuz I was so excited. ;-)

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