Have Double Rose of Sharon to trade

I have about a dozen large Hibiscus syriana seedlings to trade. The flowers will be double and pink, white, or violet.
See my Home Page for what I need by clicking on the Hyperlink below:


Florence, AL(Zone 7a)

Hi, daffydill. I could trade you jack-in-the-pulpit SEEDS for these, orfor some seeds from the double white ONLY. I already have a double dark pink and would like the whites to plant with them. I realize you have no way of telling about your seedlings till they bloom, but I've heard starting the seeds is pretty easy, so that would probably owrk best for me. E-mail me if you want to trade.

Eaton, IN(Zone 5a)

Hi there daf! I have a couple of young peony plants that I would love to trade for a couple of your hibiscus. Look forward to hearing from you.
Lorie in Indiana

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