First ripe tomato

Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

Ahem....(drum roll) I ate my first garden ripe tomato, yesterday, June 21. This is the earliest that I have ever had a ripe one.

Lets hear from everyone. When have you picked your first ripe tomato?
This year?

May all your plants be fruitful,


San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

June 9th this year (very late) unless I can count the cherry tomato on April 21st...that was on a plant I carried over from last year.

Pleasant Grove, UT(Zone 6b)

I have none yet but many are set. I will have ripe supersweets within a week. Very early for me in my zone (3 to 4 weeks earlier than last year despite the cold wet spring we have had.


Haines Falls, NY(Zone 4b)

Mine are just flowering (not many flowers). The biggest one is the size of a marble. Curse this cool spring!! Why dont I live in the south???

Audubon, PA(Zone 6b)

My first ripe tomato was STUPICE.... 47 days after transplanting on April 29 and it suffered thru some 40 degree nights. The seedling was started on Mar. 15.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Mine are all still green. I have some that are about golf ball size on my 4th of July plants, but they are very green. My yellow pear cherry tomatoes will be next, I think. I'm hoping that I'll have one of them ripen by the 4th of July, but it could be later. We are having really, really hot weather right now, very humid, and they just don't seem to be ripening up.

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Cotton - was your Stupice round or like a smaller beefsteak? I have heard both about a Stupice.

Critterologist/Jill shared her first tomato with levilyla and me. It was picked on June 20th eaten on the 21st. It was grrrreat! We are pretty sure it was a Stupice. She used Wall-O-Water's this season.


Sunnyvale, CA(Zone 9b)

Mine are still green too (I picked my first cherries last weekend). I CAN'T WAIT!!!


We ate our first one on Father's Day. Picked it 2 days earlier as it was practically sitting on the ground, and I was afraid to keep leaving it out there. I planted Goliath, and maybe because it was the first, I thought it was soooo good!

Audubon, PA(Zone 6b)

Bluecat76...... My Stupice was round. Picked another (round)one today and also a 4th. of July hyb.. The 4th July was tastier than the Stupice and bore it's first fruit after 55 days in-ground. We thought it had quite a nice tomato flavor for an early variety and both Stupice & 4th July are about the same size fruit.

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks LD - maybe next year we will grow the 4th of July.


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