Japanese Mystery Irises

South Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8a)

Hello Iris Lovers! Please help me to ID these unidentified beauties. Flowerfrenzy helped to narrow this one down to JI, but at that linked Ensata site, I couldn't find an exact match. It is similar to Miss Coquette, but mine has more white. I dug these last year from a family property, and the clump has doubled in one year. I had no idea what color they were since I dug after they had bloomed. I am resonably certain they are a few years old - at least 3 years.

Thumbnail by galega
South Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8a)

Here is another one. It's also about the same age, and dug on the same property. Looks similar to Midnight Lagoon, but mine doesn't have the white that Midnight has. It's like Christmas around here with all of these freebies blooming for the first time, but I am clueless as to their names. Thanks for any help!

Thumbnail by galega
Concord, NH(Zone 5a)

I dont know what they are but they are gorgeous!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 7a)

Hi galega~

Check my pics posted in the iris forum under the 'Iris Ensata' topic. I posted about 25 JI pics there, and you might find some that look like yours. Of course, the only way to know for sure is to buy the one(s) that you think might be yours and grow them side by side.

Anyway, here's the link if you're interested;


South Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Nanners. Hi Flowerfrenzy ~Thanks for the link to those photos you posted. Absolutely gorgeous. You have a wonderful collection, and after looking at other Ensatas I want to expand my meager collection of these beauties. The first mystery one is similar to a couple you have pictured, but there are those obvious differences. The color is right with Red Ringlets and Harlequin Esque, but mine isn't as ruffle-y as those. It sort of looks like someone took a steam iron to the lower edges.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 7a)

Well~I wish I could claim that these were all mine, but I took the pics at Aitken's Salmon Creek Garden. I haven't ventured into the JI world just yet.

I don't know if this is a first year bloom on your JI, but sometimes the blooms the 1st year aren't quite representative of the plant. Maybe you can compare better next year. Just a thought~ :]

South Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8a)

How do you get to Aitken's? I might have to make it a stop on my next trip to Portland. - G

Vancouver, WA(Zone 7a)

Aitken's is right off of I-5. Their address is 608 NW 119th Street Vancouver, WA 98685, if you want to look it up on Mapquest. Their JI's are in full bloom right now.

Their collection of JI's is quite extensive, 109 to be exact, and there are MANY to choose from in the five and six dollar range...including quite a few of the ones that I have pictured. One of my very favorites was 'Dino', and he was only $5. My very favorite was 'Rivulets Of Wine', but of course, that one was $18. Anyway, there's plenty to choose from to fit any sized pocket book! Have fun! :]

This message was edited Jun 22, 2005 3:19 PM

South Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8a)

OK - I am definitely going to haunt that place. When plant shopping I usually seem to find the most expensive thing too, since I gravitate toward the unusual, and unusual or rare usually equals $$$$. Oh well, I've gotten so many freebies, I can rationalize spending real cash money for ones with a name. LOL!

I printed out a map! Thanks for the address.-G

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