What causes bud drop?

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

This is my second year for this Datura inoxia..and it keeps dropping it's buds. Last year it seemed just bloom effortlessly, but I have it in a completely different location this year. Too much/little water, light..what does it? Thank you for any advice. Susanne

Here's one that's hanging on still.

Thumbnail by art_n_garden
Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

all the water probably plant looks good. amke sure roots arent soggy

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

I second that!!


Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

Hmm.. alright-- I will check them tomorrow. It's in full sun and I usually only water once a every 2 days or so. Usually let it dry before I water again. But we have had such strange weather this season that who knows what kind of water it's getting. But I'll definitely go check. Thanks Judy and marie !

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

I am not really sure how to check for rotted roots, but I just stuck my finger in the dirt and pulled up a pinch full of roots- they all seemed sturdy and white. Any other ideas? Maybe just the strange weather this year? Maybe it's because I have it in full afternoon sun?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Mine is in full afternoon sun but I'm up here in NY and you're in TX.

Any harm in keeping it in a self watering pot? That's where it is and seems to like it. I have one big bud starting to open.

Edited to insert question mark: my English teacher would be so ashamed of me.

This message was edited Jul 7, 2005 12:12 PM

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

mine are in morning sun and afternoon shade as afternoon sun for us is way too hot.

roots sound good from your description.

but i believe this years weather is affecting everything. my vines are nt anything like they are supposed to be and i gave up on my morning glories this year.

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

Yea, the weather has been crazy--plants not happy with me. My datura has finally set a really good healthy bud, which should open sometime soon! I'll post a picture, although its nothing more exciting than d. inoxia.

I still have it in the same spot, so maybe it was just revving up for summer- that and it could be the weather also. Either way, I'm just glad its blooming! Now my brugmansia's are another story....they won't keep dropping buds either. grrrr

Pirl, I dont see anything wrong with the self watering pot as long as it's happy. I've never had any luck with those, even with av's. Who knows. Thanks for yall's help!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks, ar_n_garden, for the reply. It looks so healthy and happy that I was fearful of changing conditions, especially in view of all the problems I'm seeing. Should I pinch it after it blooms?

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

It's looking good....hopefully will open tomorrow night! I guess I was just too impatient!

Thumbnail by art_n_garden
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I had just one bud on a very well rooted cutting, sent to me by Michael in Florida - a DG'er, and the one flower opened the morning of the Garden Tour, last Saturday: WHAT TIMING! It was beyond glorious!

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

Wow that is great timing! I bet it looked great in your garden! You have pictures?? I would love to see them.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I'll check for the Datura photo but I may have deleted it because the breeze was blowing pretty good at the time. Most people didn't recognize it but some did ask about it. Just good timing!

Corte Madera, CA

thanks for asking this question. sorry about the bud-drop though. i'm experiencing the same thing with some of my daturas.

please post more photos when yours bloom.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Took three more of the latest datura, after digging over 1,000 Louisiana irises and my hands were too shaky again. I'll have a cocktail and try once more.

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

LOl pirl!! Don't strain yourself too much! By the way, digging 1000 irises does not sound like fun, might make it a double ;) You sure do have me on the edge of my seat for these pics though lol Can't wait!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Believe it or not I got three more fuzzies. Next time I'll post the fuzzies just to show you. There are three more big momma buds just waiting to open so it won't be long and this time I'll use the tripod. I'm on #3 right now: sweet dreams!

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

:D heheh its ok! Have a good night !!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Just read the title of this thread again: What causes bud drop?
I know what causes Bud to drop: slippery cans!

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

And I don't even drink beer!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Well, art_n_garden - I went out in the thunder and then the rains came. I headed in and the rains ended. Still 100% humidity.

Being a blonde, I didn't know how big the datura would grow and got two bamboo hoops. They are now blooming at the very top of the hoops - BUT, using a tripod, I finally got the photograph! Here 'tis.

Thumbnail by pirl
Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

Oh wow!! So pretty and it looks like you have a ton of buds about to open! Be verrrry careful with all the rain, slippery cans, and cocktails. That sounds dangerous to me. lol. Thank you for the gorgeous picture!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

LOL The only can I'm handling this afternoon is a dog food can!

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Hi Pirl Girl,

Just found this thread. Why are my Dat buds falling off before they open? Sounds like over watering doesn't it. In this heat and I don't even water every day. Maybe they need more water. Maybe they don't like the sun?


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Datura's are new to me. Actually we had them in white but it was never a show like this one! The bud drop question started this whole thread and I haven't a clue.

Mine is in a self watering pot, has fallen over twice in high winds, gets early morning and late afternoon sunshine: thrives.

I wish I had a clue as to bud drop but I don't. Does anyone know?

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

bud drop is due to over watering too much fertilizer and sun can be a factor. and catapillers can too. mites is another cause of bud drop.

morning sun and afternoon shade is good.

most importantly DATS dont like soggy roots!!

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Thank you. I think I might be giving them too much water. Jeanette

Safety Harbor, FL(Zone 9b)

After my first bud dropped....oh oh.

But it just completed two beeautiful blossoms. Captured 3 hornworms from the two plants and am feeding them in jars (with datura leaves).

At least they are not bothering my tomatoes. lol

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Now that I think of it, I had a beautiful metal bloom in a large barrel without a lot of watering. Jeanette

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I had the same problem last year with my Datura Intoxia. It would bloom but never make seed. I don't know if this was the solution or not, but I decided it wasn't being pollenated and so I decided to do it. I would take my fingers each morning and touch the stamen of each flower. Before long I was getting loads of seeds. Then this year I didn't do that, but I have bees galore that visit before dawn almost. You might try that, it wouldn't hurt.
Sheila in FW TX

Thumbnail by Sheila_FW
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Had that hornworm problem with my Datura too!

Thumbnail by Sheila_FW
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

hsfrank - thanks so much for the warning! I'll keep on checking mine. I have four big buds waiting to open.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Won't the BT work for those worms? I am going to get some, even tho I never have seen any on my plants. I have whole lrge leaves eaten up. BUT, I also have slug trails on some. Probably snails.

I got some slug bait today I am going to put some of that around. This is the first year I have found those great big slugs that I used to get in Seattle.The salt shaker works wonders too. But what a mess.

Do you have those Pirl? I would think you probably do. You sure have a lot of plants. A real breeding ground for them.


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Slugs were almost extended family to me until I used Sluggo. Last year I even made a little cemetery with a white cross on it - not for them as much as to warn me NOT to dig there! When I'd find one, I'd cut it in half with the scissors and deposit it in the cemetery. I still tend to avoid that spot!!

It's really nice and damp under the big 45 year old Colorado Pines along the whole back line of the property but with the many years of needles there they tend to avoid the area, thankfully.

Use the slug bait around the clematis plants and always around the dahlias. I learned about using it by the dahlias from doss.

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