Bayer Tree and Shrub

Weimar, TX(Zone 8b)

Would it be safe to use the Bayer Tree and Shrub on the plants in the garden?
It list fruit trees but I was wondering if it would keep bugs off the tomato plants and such?
Anyone know?

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

A pesticide/insecticide is formulated for specific types of pests. Many of the targeted insects/ diseases on fruit trees are quite different from those on vegetables. The first rule is know what you are hunting and use the appropriate weapon. In layman's terms, don't use a big shotgun when a BB gun is all thats needed. Also don't use a formula that is not registered for use on the plant in questions. Tomatoes are pretty insect free, Hornworms and fruit worms being the two major pests. Bt is the best for that. Most fruit tree formulas contain Malathion and Captan. Captan is a suitable fungicide for apples and peaches, but is pretty inaffective against the foliar diseases of tomatoes. Daconil is fungicide of choice there. There are of course specific tomato formulations usually Rotenone or Sevin with a copper salt fungicide. I prefer to target a specific problem, rather than the blanket approach.

Weimar, TX(Zone 8b)

Farmerdill thanks for your reply. What do you mean by bt?
I am not sure what the problem is. (These are my mother's plants and problems but I was trying to offer suggestions.) One thing is she sees those stink bugs on them and then spots on them.
Another problem she is having that you might be able to help. They are not ripening. They seem to be just sitting there. She may be over anxious but she feels like they have reached a stage and stopped. Could be that everyone else has got their crops in and hers aren't ready.
Thanks for any help,

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a) The two most popular brands of the kurstaki strains are DIPEL and Thuricide. Stink bugs (usually squash bugs) are a pain. The damage is mostly cosmetic (white spots on the tomato). Full grown squash bugs are hard to kill. Best to get the when they are young and on the squash plants. There are only two listed insecticides in handbook. Pyrethrin and Endosulfan ( popular brand nane - Thiodan) . Pyrethrin is a botanical approved for organic growers. but it is a potent nerve agent that kills a broad spectrum of insects.
As for ripening , patience, they will ripen when they are ready. Nitrates and water which accelerate plant growth can make the fruit later to ripen.

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