General Staking Question.

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7a)

What is best to use to tie a plant stalk to a stake? I normally use kite string, but I'm afraid it will rub or cut into the dahia's. What has worked well for you all?

Thanks in advance,

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I use rafia or plain garden twine. I think you're right about kite string. Dahlias need a lot of support. I tie a loop knot around the stake, take each end and wrap it around the dahlia back to the stake and then I tie it in a bow. This allows a lot of leeway for changing the tie and makes sure that the tie doesn't slide down the stake.

On really big Dahlias you'll have to put three stakes in a teepee. Another option is tomato cages upside down. I use some decorative tripods. If they are in a line it's sometimes easier to make a sort of 'fence' and tie them to it.

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

hiya Sunshines2day,

Have you tried the green vinyl tie tape that is used in tree staking?

It doesn't cut into plants and is really quite strong.

Forestville, CA(Zone 9a)

Drdon is right! The green tape is great I use it for tying everything.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

I have used both the green tape and binder twine that we use in the berries.

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Old nylons cut into strips work well too, and allow for some give thus not injuring the stem of the plant.


Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

Wow RB I've got lots of them things .... hehe .... I'm forever runnin' mine and needing new ones.


Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Now you can put them to good use :-)

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7a)

Since I wear hose once every four years I think I'll get some of the tape. I wouldn't want to try to find's probably long gone.

Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

I tried the upside down tomato cages, but the plants were too tall and then I could not get the cages out of there to do proper staking, so it was more than a little messy that year. Now I just use regular stakes.

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

Has anyone tried or heard of these cages? They sound very functional but are a little on the steep side. What do you think?

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm using the cage's I hope you can see the in this shot

Thumbnail by jerryhildebrand
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

here's another view

Thumbnail by jerryhildebrand

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