Question about garlic plants.

Rensselaer, IN(Zone 5a)

We have only lived in our home about a year and a half. Last year I discovered what I think is garlic growing in my yard. Smells like garlic, anyway. I never actually picked any last year, but would like to this year. But, I'm really not 100% sure it is garlic since I've never actually seen a garlic plant. I pulled one up today, but the bulb at the bottom is not real big yet. The tops of the plants have a curly part and what looks like what may be a flower or pod, type thing. Sorry...i don't have a camera or I'd take a pick.

I'm hoping someone can go by my description above and help me identify if this is garlic. And if it is....when are they ready for picking?

Thanks, Jodi

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

sounds like garlic does the smal bulb look like it has cloves? I cut the flower buds off except for one to turn into a flower. I harvest when the foilage turns brown over 50 percent. Ernie

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Sounds like "wild garlic" to me. It often grows in lawns and wild areas. Although it seldom makes a good-sized bulb the tops are great when used for garlic chives! (If you Google a search for "wild garlic" maybe a pic will come up and you can more easily identify it, Jodi.)

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