Cuckoo tunes?

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Can anyone remember how the ditty about the cuckoo changing its tune in June goes please?
I heard one the other day shouting CUCK-CUCKOO CUCK-CUCKOO
It sounded very indignant about something too ;)

It's along the lines of: The cuckoo arrives in April, sings in May, changes his tune in June and then flys away

We say this one
Cuckoo comes in April
Sings his song in May
Plays his tune
Til the middle of June
And then he flies away.

but another one does say

In the middle of June
He changes his tune

in place of the other June/tune rhyme

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I was confident you'd know this one Baa :)
Thanks for answering. It's so irritating when these things are on the tip of the tongue, but just won't come out.

oiartzun-near san se, Spain(Zone 8a)

I remember my gran (from Nottingham) saying something like this:
In April, come he will,
then in May he'll sing all day,
in june he'll change his tune,
in july away he'll fly,
in august,away he must!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Thanks sorgina - that's the one I remember too, you've got much closer to it than I could manage.

You must be one of the closest DG members to where I am I think. I'm about 2 hours from Biarritz :)
Can't be that much further to where you are?

Welcome to the european arm of DG *grin*, sorry I missed you joining. This year seems to be passing me by rather.....

oiartzun-near san se, Spain(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the welcome Philomel. We're only 30 mins from Biarritz, just over the border into Spain.If you're ever visiting the Basque Country,let me know- maybe we could meet up. Where are you from originally? Have you lived in France for long?
BTW, I became a DG subscriber about a month ago, but only plucked up the courage to start posting a couple of days ago, so you hadn't missed me.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I've only been in France since May 2004, before then lived in Kent most of my life, though I was born in Chester - loved it there!
How about you? Have you been in Spain long.
It would be great to meet up some time. I know a few other keen gardeners around here, so perhaps we should all head for a garden halfway?

You'll never regret joining DG, it's such a friendly place! I've been a member for a while now and have 'met' some wonderful people and enjoyed exchanging ideas, photos etc etc :o)

oiartzun-near san se, Spain(Zone 8a)

I agree DG seems a warm, friendly place.I'd love to meet up with more keen gardeners -there aren't many round here as most people live in flats and only grow the ubiquitous pelargonium. Those that live on farms grow cabbages ,corn and cattle!
I've lived here for 17 years- came over to teach English for a year or two and learn Spanish, fell in love with the Basque Country and one of the natives...and here we are,very happy with 2 children, a cat, a wounded woodpigeon , 6 hens and,,joy o joy, half a Basque farmhouse with a large garden. After so many years of living in flats I can finally indulge my passion for plants and animals!
So you're from Chester - my elder sister has lived there for 10 years and loves it. We love to visit- it's a beautiful, historic city.
Are you settled in France? What's it like where you live ?

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