My collection.

Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

I started out trying to do an all foliage container (the large one), but couldn't stand it. Had to add some pink.

Thumbnail by cherishlife
Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

My deck.

Thumbnail by cherishlife
Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)


Thumbnail by cherishlife
Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

Another container out in the yard. This stuff needed full sun but I didn't have time to get them into the ground. The variegated Iris I found at Home Depot. I didn't know there was such a thing....had to have it. Along with Black Dragon Coleus, Mexican Heather and Lantana. Doesn't really work together, but they're alive. lol

Thumbnail by cherishlife
Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

My Molten Lava and Midnight Train Coleus with Sweet Potato.

Thumbnail by cherishlife
Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

Some of my houseplants with hostas below.

Thumbnail by cherishlife
Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

I thought the Oxalis was dead in this container so I planted these wandering jews in there before they met their demise in much smaller containers. Apparently they all get along with each other quite well.

Thumbnail by cherishlife
Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

Kids picnic table works pretty good, just doesn't look very good. :-)

Thumbnail by cherishlife
Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

Another view of the deck.

Thumbnail by cherishlife
Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)


Thumbnail by cherishlife
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Nice job!

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Great selection of plants for your containers.
:) Donna

Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

Thank you, ladies! I sure enjoy them. You can't beat sitting on the deck in the evening with a glass of tea, enjoying the flowers.

Utica, MI(Zone 6b)

cherishlife, you have great taste in plants! do you grow those hosta in the house?? I wonder is there a trick to penta's?? yours look so great and mine dont look good at all. Is it because yours is alone in a pot and mine might be crowded?

This message was edited Jun 18, 2005 12:58 PM

Utica, MI(Zone 6b)

do you see it? its pathetic, i have two and neither are doing well. are you supposed to deadhead them? this container got backed into by this idiot i know (me). so it looks pretty bad...

This message was edited Jun 18, 2005 1:04 PM

Thumbnail by houseplntjunkie
Utica, MI(Zone 6b)

this is its mate on the other side of the driveway. the one i didnt back into.

Thumbnail by houseplntjunkie
Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Your containers look great, scoobysuey!
: )Donna

Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

scoobysuey, you're containers DO look great. I honestly don't know what I've done right with that pentas. What I didn't show was the container right beside that one with a pink pentas that isn't doing as well. Same conditions, but they look totally different. One thing I did do when I planted them, is use Miracle Gro potting mix. I've noticed that anytime I use Miracle Gro potting mix without adding anything to it, it really works well. At the beginning of the summer, I mixed some compost with the miracle gro to make it last longer. The ones that I used only Miracle Gro with, are the best ones. The mixed soils don't seem to hold moisture as well. At least, that's been my experience.

Thumbnail by cherishlife
Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

scoobysuey, forgot to answer your first question.

No, I don't grow the hosta in the house. They need a dormancy period throughout the winter, so that wouldn't work. You could probably bring them in to break the dormancy in the spring if you wanted to so that you could enjoy a little greenery sooner, but they've got to have that rest period.

My houseplants are enjoying the summer outdoors in good shade under the tree that is over part of my deck.

That tree is a blessing and a curse. It's a Water Oak so it drops "stuff" from fall to late spring. Loads of it. But right now it's just giving me shade, so I forgive it.....until the acorns start dropping.

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

Cherish- what is the drippy lime green foliage plant next to the white caladium in pic # 1?
Looks sort of like Helichrysum Limelight or maidenhair fern? I can't get a closeup view.
By the way, your containers are beautiful!

This message was edited Jun 21, 2005 5:01 PM

Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

Thank you, Ivy1! It's Moneywort aka Creeping Jenny. I haven't had the nerve to put it on the ground yet. I understand it can be pretty invasive.

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

Cherish - I had something that looked like Creeping Jenny when I moved to this house. It was all over the place. With conscientious weeding, planting of new groundcovers, and lots of hard work, I am now overrun with ground ivy, garlic mustard and jewelweed. No sign of Creeping Jenny....

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

cherishlife those look great!!! I love that Creeping Jenny too. I've been passing it up at the nursery...but you made me want to go get some! You've really used it in a way to showcase the shape and color. You're plantings are gorgeous. Good job!

scooby- I find pentas do benefit from from deadheading. This is a picture of my only not embarassing container--I deadheaded the pentas about 3 days ago and they are about to pop again. I think your containers look great too! What's that whitish foliage in the middle of the second one?

Thumbnail by art_n_garden
Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

Ivy1, Sounds like you replaced one problem with three. I got that Creeping Jenny from my fil and his flower beds are completely overrun with it. I don't think he looks at it as a problem though.... he seemed pretty proud of it. LOL I didn't tell him he had an invasive plant, it was obvious and if he didn't care then neither do I. He's not next door to me. I do like it in my container though.

I did deadhead my pentas about a week ago and it's starting putting on a bunch of new blooms now.

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

Cherish- I am always careful now about what I rip out of my yard! You never know what might show up in it's place! Now I'll probably have to BUY Creeping Jenny!

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