Spraying Compost Tea

Forestville, CA(Zone 9a)

I have read several posts that mention spraying compost tea on plants. How do you get all the solids strained out so as not to plug the spraying device?

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Cheesecloth, an old piece of row cover, nylons stretched over the container mouth... anything that will strain finely.

SE GA, GA(Zone 8a)

Cheesecloth or an old pillow case is what I use.

Be sure that your sprayer is not one of those really high pressure jobbies. The force of the spray will kill the organisms you are trying to get onto the leaves of the plants.

I use a little cheap spray bottle or 2 gallon size sprayer from Wally World.

Good Gardening!


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