Clematis frustration

Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

WHAT is the deal???!!! Sob -- I have tried to grow clematis for 2 years now. Last year i got some leaves but it was a wierd wet summer and it never really took off. the one by my pond grew aboout 2 feet and then just died off.

This year the one I had on a windmill trellis (used to be a windmill - it broke I took off the windmill parts and left the base) and she took off! grew up 4 feet many trendrils -- no flowerbuds yet. Then we had a hard rain - DEAD AS A DOORNAIL the next day.

What the heck is going on???? I have pretty much given up on clematis all together but if anyone has an idea what I am doing wrong I could be convinced otherwise....


Lilburn, GA(Zone 7b)

Heather....i will be curious also to hear from those who know. We have had alot of rain here in atlanta....3 clemantis hit the dust. I have a couple of old vines (been in the ground 4+ yrs) that are doing great.
survival of the fittest

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

I need more information before I can give you an answer.

How old was the C. vine that you planted?
What season did you plant it?
Which variety was it?
How deep did you plant it?
Have you continued to water it even though it has appeared to die back?
Please describe the condition of the leaves before it died back.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i have found my clematis es dont like soggy feet if in a pot. if in pots make sure they have well drained pots. mine like the sun but rather have morning sun and dappled sunlight in the afternoon.

dont like to be messed with one planted.

mine do fine in the heat but i had one in a raised bed and with all the water bit the dust.

Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

1. I don't know -- I planted roots
2. early spring 2 years ago
3. white or purple no idea on varitey
4. about 6 inches
5. nope this was the last straw - took the sucker out -- there are still roots in the ground but got the majority of root ball out.
6. green and growing - very glossy - looked like a happy plant.

I have to explain -- I was given some of this clematis for an established plant from a nieghbor who was moving and taking her plant with her- so when we dug it up she told me to take some of the roots and stick them in the ground and they would grow, She had 2 colors White and purple- because of the time of year we dug- we didn't know which was which. She didn't tell me cultivator names and I was too young as a gerdener to think to ask.She gave ma alot of stuff and just said-- here plant this... it's tickseed, iris, clematis, or sedum....

Frustating-- because I have seen it in bloom both colors the summer before we moved it.

Honnestly anything that takes that much babying... and clemmies aren't supposed to!


Edited to say -- not in a pot- in the ground with morning full sun

This message was edited Jun 19, 2005 2:54 PM

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