Experiment concluding - M. betonicifolia

Conclusion 1 - Meconopsis betonicifolia can be grown in Manitoba.

Thumbnail by echoes

Yesterday's bud left me in anticipation of an open flower today.

Thumbnail by echoes

Today it is opened, still krinkly, but open. Can't wait for the rest to see the colours. Two more will bloom shortly, but one I disbudded as part of the experimant. Just couldn't take any more in case they don't come back next year anyway.

Thumbnail by echoes

One more shot for Pam.

Thumbnail by echoes
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

LOLOLOLOL.......WAY TO GO ECHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CONGRATULATIONS............it's a beauty and a true miracle to have that beauty bloom on the PRAIRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Ü :D

Hope you aren't having the weather we are........it's hot, humid and a strange wind is a blowin' (not good for poppies ;(. Under tornado warning again and this one has me worried. :S

This message was edited Jun 17, 2005 3:35 PM

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

p.s...........first poster!!! ;D

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Way to go!! That is so beautiful. I grew one when I lived in Seattle (found the plant at a local nursery) but couldn't bear to disbud it and it died after blooming. :^(

I have had no luck growing them in Ohio but I have read of a man who grows them successfully in steamy Virginia.

Did you start yours from seed? I want to hear all about it. LOL I refuse to give up on growing this beauty.

Yes, I started these from seed. They are a bit touchy as babies. I managed to get four plants to overwinter. I disbudded one. I'll leave one to go to seed, and see what happens next year.

Here we are for day two. Don't know how long the flowers will last and it is very windy here today with heavy rain coming again supposedly.

Thumbnail by echoes
Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Wow, I am so impressed , blue poppies are extremely difficult. You deserve the Green Thumb award of the year. I couldn't even keep the plant alive a year. Congratulations, echoes!!!!

Well thank you for the compliment. I probably couldn't have done it without the non summer we had last year. Or as it was known around here "The summer that Wasn't" or "The Fourty-eight Hour Summer".

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Way to go, echoes!! That's very impressive!!!
:) Donna

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

totally awesome. They are so beautiful, in a blue/grey & hosta garden. Realloy looks like a blue woodland garden.

Winnipeg,, MB(Zone 3a)

so lovely Brenda
great picture of the blue poppy

Thanks, Donna. Ginny, Wilma - I'm glad you enjoyed them. I hope they keep blooming for a few weeks. Yesterdays wind took the sails out of the first one. The second plant opened today.

Thumbnail by echoes
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

What has been the heat/humidity temp there echoes?

It's about 31C and high humidity. Wouldn't you know it. And yesterdays wind was like a blast from a hot furnace all day. Thanks goodness the poppies are a bit sheltered from the south. They won't last long unless it cools off. Maybe I should put some ice cubes around them.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

So you are around 98F to 100F (at least) then......I think you better dig out those ice cubes now! ;)

Marysville, WA(Zone 7a)

Great news Echoes, well done.They're the most beautiful (IMHO) and most difficult poppies to grow. Congratulations.

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