Adding irises to the Plant Files

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

Guess what, I did a newbie goof. I tried adding plants (mostly SDBs) to the plant file and didn't realize that I could do everything on my own except add the picture. So, I sent off the name of the plant without returning to the plant's entry. Should I go back and do it again or does it go into some mystery bin and wait for Dave or one of the other Admins to get the information? I realize that with as many forums they must be overwhelmed with pictures and information so it would take more than just a day or two. Since "adding" my SDBs, I did manage to find a link in dahlias that told me I did the goof and added 3 BBs with no problem.

Please advise this DG newbie. Thanks.


Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)


I'm confused by your question, but I'll try to answer it, anyway.

When adding pics or info to the PDB, first do a search to make sure the cultivar isn't already listed. If it is, click on the existing entry and add your info or pic to it (there are links available for adding your own info/pic at the bottom of each cultivar page). If the cultivar does not yet have its own entry page in the PDB, you can add it by clicking the "PlantFiles" tab at the top of each DG page, then clicking the "Add a plant" link that appears directly under the "PlantFiles" tab when you reach the PDB.

When you add a new plant to the PDB, you can immediately click on the link to add your info/pic at that point, or you can wait a few hours until the system updates itself so you can search for your new entry through the search page.

When you add pics to the PDB, they enter a queue where they will sit until one of the DG editors has time to add them to the PDB. It can take a few days for a few weeks. You can check to see how many pics you have waiting for approval in the queue at any given time by clicking the "My Info" link at the top of each DG page. There you will find you own member stats, including pending images.

Hope that helps.


Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

So if my information isn't listed in "my info", I should reenter it? I'll go check that info out now. Thanks


Yeah! It looks like its all there. Thanks again for the help Laurie, now I'm off the fix my entries.

This message was edited Jun 17, 2005 8:04 AM

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

Roni, it looks like you accidentally added a bunch of duplicate cultivar entries to the PDB. What you need to do now is do a "Search plants" in the PDB for each of the cvs you added. Anytime you find that your entry was a duplicate, click on your entry, then from the entry page click "Report an error". In the error report, request that your duplicate entry be deleted.

Then you can go back and put your info/pic into each original cultivar entry page using the links at the bottom of each one.

Bottom line - each cultivar should only have ONE page in the PDB. Everyone who has info/pics on that cv should enter it into that ONE page.

This message was edited Jun 17, 2005 7:25 AM

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

Yep, I noticed that -- because when I searched, I searched under "SDB" and they were detailed out for search that way. I've been working on them and reporting my error as I go. But I need to stop now, children call.

Some of them also, like Raspberry Silk is a BB but its under Tall Bearded. So do I report that error or mine?


Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

Report both on their respective pages. Request that yours be deleted on your page, then go to the original entry page and report the error on classification there.

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