Fish v. Seaweed fertilizer

Haines Falls, NY(Zone 4b)

OK. I want to know: which is a better foliar fertilizer, seaweed (kelp) or fish fertilizer? Sorry to have to start a whole thread about this.

Collinsville, VA(Zone 7b)

Don't be sorry, I'd like to know, too!


Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

Hiya zeldonian,

They can't be compared. Liquid seaweed is used as a foliar for micronutrients and potassium yet has no measurable nitrogen or phosphorus. Fish is an amazing fertilizer that has limited micronutrients. Combining the two is a fabulous way to take advantage of the good points in both. If you must apply foliar use them both at 1/2 to 2/3 strength. A soil drench with both at full strength as per the dilution instructions on the bottle is really a complete diet for many plant types.

hope this helps.

Haines Falls, NY(Zone 4b)

Thanks you. Thay helps a lot.

Haines Falls, NY(Zone 4b)

Oh, and also, how do they compare to compost and manure teas?

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

i use compost tea as an immune system strengthener, and kelp/emulsion as fertilizer. I "treat" a sick or infested plant with the former,in addition to other stuff.

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