Local Nurseries don't seem to sell Daturas....

Osage City, KS(Zone 5b)

Is there a reason why I don't see these at local nurseries and chain stores...... ? Only a few places even carry seeds..... ? I'm a zone5 so they are an annual here but the few gardens I've seen them in they appear to do well.....

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

my nuseries dont even carry them at all. i am lucky if i see a brug at the local nurseries here.

Osage City, KS(Zone 5b)

forget brugs in my area.... I hadn't even heard of one until DG ...... .... people winter over all kinds of things ..... so I don't know why some of these other things like brugs, dats and nannas haven't gotten more common in our area...... we have ears..... why not all these other ones....

N. Mississippi, MS(Zone 8a)

Because they are toxic a lot of garden centers wont carry them due to liability. Now I know that seems stupid since a ton of plants they do carry are toxic as well - but brugs and especially Datura's have a really bad poisoning reputation. I wondered the same thing, asked three different nurseries in my area and all three said basically the same thing.

Osage City, KS(Zone 5b)

slgrowers.... I agree.... they have no problem selling poinsettias at Christmas time.... and even Azaleas, Caladium, Common privet, Day lily, Delphinium, Elephant's ear, Foxglove, Morning glory, Nicotiana, Philodendrons, Rhododendron, Yew just to name a few from a poisonous plant website.....

I hadn't thought about them not being available for that reason because so many plants are poisonous and still available .... thanks for the insight into the situation ......

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

I find them at the local farmers market. If you have one near by... you give it try.

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