Secret Summer/Spring Plants That We Got

(Zone 7a)

Whoever my secret person is...All I can say is..
"GET READY TO PLANT" and take everything out the box and inspect for plants! LOL

edited because I can't type :-/

This message was edited Jun 22, 2005 4:57 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I decided my plate was full enough without participating this year, but I've been having fun following this thread as well as browsing with BlueKat76, looking for one or two more things for her box.

Here's a picture of that Campanula that we saw at LeviLyla's yesterday...

Thumbnail by critterologist
Ocean Springs, MS(Zone 9a)

Now made me go and want something else. That Campanula is wonderful.


N., CA(Zone 9a)

OH MY GOODNESS!! I just received my package from Mina (mvespa) and... I don't know what to say. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, see for yourself. I started tearing up because it is just so generous. Everything was packed so well and labeled and I even got little pot! Since I am unfamiliar with about half of it, I looked everything up in the PF to see what I have to look forward to & I can't wait!! This is what she sent me (I absolutely adore everything she sent, I just noted those that I have a particular fondness for):
1. Italian Oregano perfect because I have just started planting an herb garden
2. Daylilly “Yazoo Pink Frills” love it
4. Clematis “Fireworks” love it
5. L.A. Hybrid Lily “Kiss Me Kate” love it!
6. Crocosmia “Lucifer”
7. Calla Lily “Lavender Gem”
8. Sedum Sarmentosum can't wait to put this in my rock garden
9. Tradescantia Zebrina (Wandering Jew) my mom used to grow this, haven't seen it for years!
10. Crocosmia Masonorum
11. Nicotiana
12. Love-Lies-Bleeding “Intense Purple” (Amaranthus) *love* it
13. Datura seedling
14. Snapdragons love em
15. Malva Zebrina love it
16. Lobelia Siphilitica (Great Blue Lobelia) love it

Thank you, mvespa, Thank you, Thank you!
p.s. the box I sent is lame compared to this.

Thumbnail by RachaelBee
Collins (90 min. dr, MS(Zone 8b)

Dear Fellow Dave-Gardeners:
I just got a MARVELOUSLY HUGE box STUFFED with flowering plants of ALL descriptions from Karyn Riggs (aka Crestedchik) this afternoon. I had never even heard of this Secret Trade. (I'm new to Dave's Garden). I couldn't figure out what in the world was going on, so I sent her an email to see how much I owed her (I was afraid I owed her at least $40 to $50 in postage alone. She wrote back I owed her nothing, that it was simply a "Secret Trade!"
How does one find a secret pal to send to? I need to "pass this happiness on!"

I think 'Elizabeth' is too pink to be the campanula I have. Here's a link to a photo that looks more like it. I'll get a photo in the next few days and post it here. I'm going to be out of town tomorrow and Friday, so it won't be until the weekend most likely .
Anyway, I like Campanula pixydish better!

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

I received a great trade too. Yesterday I received a box from shuggins. She sent large healthy plants!!! I received a rose,a hibiscus, a mandevilla , coleus, and a copper plant, and peacock orchid bulbs. I love pot plants and this couldn't have been a better selection for me. They were packaged well and arrived in perfect condition. What a fun trade this has been. I hope everyone is as happy with their trade as I am. Christmas in JUne!! Thanks Lou

Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

I am so glad that you liked them and that they arrived in good condition. I am always concerned about both of those. I thought all of those could be potted up since you said that you had limitied space. One of the hibiscus blooms opened right before I packaged them and it is a nice color. Hopefully the rest of those will open for you also.

Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

Now, I got my package from RDT (Linda) yesterday. I was blown away.

I got
Gaillardia 'Fanfare', which I had looked at the night before, but didn't buy.
Sedum Mediovariegatum, Blue Spruce and Autumn Fire. Love them all.
Coreopsis 'Early Sunrise'
Alyssum 'Gold Dust'
Daylily 'Strawberry Candy' Huge fans.
Cone Flower 'Doppelganger'
Dianthus 'Jan Louise'
Lily of the Nile

There are several of them that I will have to look up, but I have everything planted or potted up. Thank you so much. I didn't have any of these plants, so it expands my garden so much.


Thanks again,

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Man I can't wait to see what I get. These all sound great. I will be very happy with even one plant.

Englishtown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Rachaelbee - How cool to see a picture of the stuff I sent and it made it there perfectly! I really stuffed that box too, so I was a little worried. It's cool to see my stuff (now your stuff) in a picture 3000 miles away!
I hope they all grow prolifically for you and that you enjoy them all! Enjoy - it was my pleasure!

Makshi - can't wait to see what I get either!
Shuggins - You got some great stuff there (said as I drool over Gaillardia 'Fanfare',
Alyssum 'Gold Dust' and 'Strawberry Candy')!
RDT - is that a piece of the same blue spruce I sent you in our trade last year. If it is, how cool to see this one make its way around!

I wonder where Pins has been - she hasn't posted at all on this thread.

N., CA(Zone 9a)

I just planted the sedum in my rock garden. It looks fabulous if I do say so myself. Thank you again, mvespa!

Thumbnail by RachaelBee
Englishtown, NJ(Zone 6b)

How pretty! If I remember correctly, that tall sedum will get a purplish color to the stalk and leaves. It's going to look great next to the gold sedum sarmentosum.

Crossville, TN(Zone 6b)

Mina, yes, that is your blue spruce. I had not thought of it until you asked. It has grown double in size since our trade. The Kiss-Me-Kate is my favorite part of our trade as she still is blooming for almost a month.

Sheila, the Mediovariegatum and Autumn Fire cuttings need to be potted up until they grow roots. Take off the lower leaves, place in potting soil, water regularly in partial shade.

Alyssum 'Gold Dust' is a perennial and it keeps it color all winter. It is fussy until it takes root so don't neglect it.

Coreopsis 'Early Sunrise' is one of the keepers here in TN. It always looks nice and withstands drought.

I studied all your threads that you started, looked up each plant for hardiness in your zone. I know the Daylily was not dark but it was a last minute decision. I purchased it so gave you half. I just started collecting DL so do not have much. Linda

(Zone 7a)

Box Came! Thanks so much :-D

I received...
1. Datura - Double Yellow
2. Coleus - Wizzard Jade
3. Hosta Bressington Blue -Seedlings
4. Monarda - Purple
5. Sedum
6. Lotion
7. Cucumber Melon Soap
8. Windchime
9. Porcelain Frogs
10. Porcelain Figurine

West Central, WI(Zone 4a)

My package will go out on Monday.....with some things off the gardener's wish list.....wonder who its for.........

Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

The daylily isn't dark, but it is fantastic. Glad you kept half and were generous enough to share. Did you take part in the Daylily Secret Swap that we just did? If not, keep an eye out for the next one. I think that is a great way to get to try different plants that you don't have. Again, thanks so much. Yesterday was a rough day and that made it really end great.


Englishtown, NJ(Zone 6b)

I got my surprise box and all I can say is WOW!!! I know you all want to know what I got don't you? Here it goes:
Woodside Amethyst Daylily - very big with a great set of roots!
Heucheral Creme Brulee - I saw a piece of leaf sticking out as I was opening this from it's newspaper wrapping and I gasped cause I said to myself "No way, not Creme Brulee" and surely it was! It looks just like in the catalogs. What an awesome set of roots on this - I need to know how to do this!
Bleeding heart
Kalemeri - came with a little note explaining what this is which is great cause I never heard of this one.
Now wait to you hear this one! An Heirloom Peony that came with my traders house which was built in the '30s! A huge plant, I haven't unwrapped the roots of this one yet, but it is really big and heavy!
Sweet Potatoe vine - Sweet Caroline - another awesome one with a great root system (how does she do that?)
Oriental Poppy - Indian chief - Another knockout!
So now you want to know who my secret person was...well that's just the thing - I am stumped. I have no idea! I know her name is Mrs. Karen Christian from Church Hill, TN
So the first thing I did was come on this thread and check everyone's name who posted to see who's from Church Hill, TN. It's not you Linda posing as an alter ego is it? Just kidding.
So to the DG'er (who's username I will eventually discover as part of this adventure), THANK YOU - it was an awesome box - and for all you folks who are more visual than verbally oriented ... here's a picture for your viewing pleasure:
And by the way - the Heuchera and Sweet Potatoe vine are already planted!

Thumbnail by mvespa
Crossville, TN(Zone 6b)

Sheila, I missed it by one day. I joined DG so I could participate in the coops and daylily exchange. When spring came I checked every day/week in the DL forum. Then one day I checked and it was closed. DH was off that week and we were busy around the house. Melissa said she may have another one in August. Please contact me in case I miss it again.

Now the coop is discontinued.

I was blessed anyway as Mindy gave me one, Susan (lincolness)sent me some. Then yesterday an acquantance from many years ago said she heard that i needed daylilies so i am to go over to her house and get her extras.

This is more than I can imagine. What a wonderful summer. Linda

Englishtown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Mystery solved! I found her - Thank you Redbirdfarm!

Church Hill, TN(Zone 6b)

Mina, I'm so glad that you loved your trade! This is my first plant trade and I was anxious, I admit it! I know this is not exactly the greatest time to plant peonies; you may want to try potting it and giving it afternoon shade and shelter until fall. If it doesn't take, let me know and I'll send you another hunk in the fall. Now here's a question for you or anyone else about the heuchera: When I got this plant last year it was labeled Creme Brulee, but I could swear my local nursery is selling the same plant this year and calling it Peaches and Cream. What's the difference? My husband says the secret to root growth is HIS compost pile; we grow organic so no chemicals, fertilizers.

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

I received my box today from MACLAREN. In the box was:

Variegated Vinca Vine
PeeDee Gold Monkey Grass
Four O'clock
Gad Bulbs
Oleander Seeds
@ Hosta
Mr. Stripey TOmato Plant

Thank you Anita for trading. I am going to email you soon.

N., CA(Zone 9a)

I'm getting a little worried. This thread is closed and my secret recipient hasn't posted yet. I mailed it Monday. I hope she got it! Has anyone gotten a box of plants from me?

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

I'm confused cause I sent my plants to the person I was suppose to but she has no idea whats going on.....

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

I clicked the closed button by mistake. I've unclicked it now. Deep breath, deep breath. sorry about that, folks.

Church Hill, TN(Zone 6b)

Loved the post about the postal worker and the leaky box. I had labeled my box "live plant material" and the counter clerk frowned at me and asked exactly what kind of plant material it was. I realized later that marijuana is still a cash crop in TN! I'm standing at the garden gate watching for the mail person, hoping my box comes today!

This message was edited Jun 24, 2005 11:30 AM

Gadsden, AL(Zone 7b)

My leaky box should have told me that I had gotten a little over zealous in moistening the plants. I was so worried that they would dry out I ended up shooting myself in the foot and the box was damaged.
Makshi--you are a gem. Thank you for your kindness in letting me know that the box was damaged. I will know now not to make this error again.

I still have so much to learn, and you folks are such a great group of people! I look forward to getting on here every night when I get home from the hospital. Even if it does mean staying up half the night to read the new posts!!!

West Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Secret Trader...are you out there reading?
If the trade for me has not gone out yet, it might be best to hold it for a bit. Looks like I will be gone for the latter part of next week and would hate for it to arrive and sit unattended.


This message was edited Jun 24, 2005 4:04 PM

North Adams, MI(Zone 5b)

Rachael(RachaelBee) you are just amazing!! What a great box AND my other little surprise was wonderful!!! Received my trade Wed night when I got home with a nice letter & description of each plant. Received my other goodie tonight when I got home what a surprise!
Sorry I didn't post earlier but it's been a very busy week one of my stylist is on vacation so it has been 12 & 13 hour days all week, I got home about 30min ago and am going to plant as soon as i post this.
Even though Rachael was from zone 9 she did a great job putting her box together for me.

Here is what I received:
Sea Thrift
Bigleaf Hydrangea-
Iris- I am so excited to see what color this will be!!
Calla Lily- I had just told my mom I wanted to try & grow one of these.
Common Cosmos
Polka Dot Plant
Abyssinian Gladiolus, Peacock orchid-LOVE Glads, just planted a few this year to see how they will do.

Plus Rachael sent me some Miracle Grow & Aluminum Sulfate to develop the deep blue color for the Hydrangea!!

PLUS i get home tonight & in my mail box is a priority letter and inside of it is a gift certificate to Lowes for $10 from Racheal !!
What a nice and unexpected goodie !!

I am going to bring in the Calla lily, Coleus & Polka dot plant this fall & see if I can keep them going through the winter(my green thumb is hardly visible when it comes to house plants haha)

THANK YOU so much for such a wonderful trade and for going above and beyond what you needed to.

Off to plant, everyone have a safe and wonderful weekend !!

This message was edited Jun 24, 2005 7:33 PM

N., CA(Zone 9a)

Pheww! I can stop biting my nails now! Mindy, you are so welcome and I'm glad you like everything. I hope they all grow well for you!
After you are done in the garden, put your feet up! You deserve it after those long hours.
Have a great weekend,

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

Oh my gosh, I just can't believe what Eileenmlamb (Eileen) sent to me!! I was jumping up and down with each plant I unwrapped. First of all, I need help with the first one. Its a beautiful variegated Euronymus, but I don't know anything about that plant. Where to plant it? How large? I can't seem to find anything on the net.

Anyway, I also got a huge Pulmonaria - solid silver leaves with a red petiole, a huge Epimedkum with red tinged new leaves, some great smelling sweet woodruff, a beautiful double daylily named Scatterbrain (very appropriate for me), a herchera with deep, deep chocolately leaves (just beautiful).

The first thing that I saw when I opened the box was the sweetest of all. Eileen remembered that I collect Olympic pins (as well as other Olympic things), and she sent an Olympic torch medal replica on a red, white, and blue ribbon. I was so touched.

Thank you so much for the wonder present. I just love them all.

(Zone 7a)

Okkkk... My Box just went flying! Over 7 Pounds...Whooops! LOL LOL

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

I'm off the the post office right now.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I'm also heading out to the post office! Hope my secret pal loves her/his box! I can't wait to get mine!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I'm waiting until Monday because I just don't trust the Post Office to keep them over the weekend.

(Zone 7a)

Hmmmm...they keep them moving on the weekend :-D

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thank you, Kim. I have this fear that without some air conditioning on these trucks and in planes that all my packing will be for naught. I just don't trust them - my sister worked for them for 20 years - maybe she's the cause of it! :-)

(Zone 7a)


Ashton, IL(Zone 5a)

Carmen, I just DG mailed you about the plants. I sent the medal because you deserve a medal for doing the plant trade right on the heels of the hosta trade!

Now my box showed up today, from Jadwin (Lisa). I rec'd 2 huge iris plants and a grass? type plant. All very healthy looking and robust. Lisa, I just need some idea of the colors of the iris blooms and an id of the other plant so I can place them in the best possible positions. And thank you so much for sending them to me, such generously sized trades!


(Zone 7a)

I sure hope my person is home during the day. So their box doesn't have to sit outside and roast in the heat :-(

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