Secret Summer/Spring Plants That We Got

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

Use this thread to share what you got in the Secret S/S Plant Trade. I can't wait to follow this thread!

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

My box came yesterday from Daisyruffles! What a wonderful box she sent!

Tapien pink verbena
penstemons mixed colors
Dahlia tubers: Brushstrokes, purple and white pom-pom, Big lavender dinner plate, Skywalker and Riverdance. (Dahlias were something I had always wanted to grow and planned to in the future! Now I have a beautiful start!
Sweet Rocket
2 Purple asters
Pansies/violas ruffles and blue/purple
Carnation, mixed color
Russell lupine
Pink Escallonia
2 Rose of Sharon whiatae with dark rose center
Ragged Robin, Lychnis flos-cuculi seed.
3 yellow crocosmia bulbs
Thank you Carol so very very much. I am so pleased with everything and I will be busy planting this morning! Hugs, Doris

This message was edited Jun 17, 2005 11:17 AM

N., CA(Zone 9a)

Wow, what a great package. Carol, you set quite a precedent - that's tough act to follow!

This message was edited Jun 16, 2005 11:08 AM

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

No, I just did what I had. I am sure other people have more unusual plants than I have. But I am glad that she is happy. That makes me happy to share my garden love with others.
Most of the things were grown or propagated by me. I was doing 2 other plant packages so just figured I might as well get it all done the same day.
Just as well. My son (17 year old) got into a car accident on Tues. so am dealing with all the insurance, bids, adjuster, etc. He is fine, just someone hit him.
Rachael, I am sure you guys will be just as good or better.
Can't wait to see my secret package!

Coventry, RI(Zone 6a)

Oops. See later


This message was edited Jun 21, 2005 8:28 PM

Crossville, TN(Zone 6b)

I too need my senders user name. I know her as Mindy Smith from North Adams Michigan. She sent me my WONDERFUL box of goodies. I could not believe the things she sent. One wonderful prize after another.
I received Artemisia 'Silvermound' : I bought this and it died. Then I saw this in someones garden and she said she would give me a piece of it when it needed dividing. Now I have my own.
Clematis 'Perle d'Azur' : This was on my wanted list for 2 years. I never saw it at the local nurseries. When I saw it in the box I said over and over again, "Oh please, don't be a cutting". I am not good at cuttings and seeds. You should see the root system, huge.
Evening Primrose 'Lemon Sunset' : I have been wanting to buy an EP. This one changes color.
Sedum 'Variegatum' :This is so unusual. I really love it. It stays small.
Daylily 'Jolyene Nichole' : This is on my wish list. I tried twice to get it thru a trade but it never worked out.
Poppy 'Royal Wedding' : My big thing this year was trying to accumulate poppies. I have tried seeds 3-4 times on each variety. I am crossing my fingers. Any tips on keeping this poppy plant healthy is appreciated. I planted it in the ground but then got to thinking I should have placed it in a container.
Ipomoea 'Moonflower' : I tried this seed one time and it died. The plant is so healthy looking that it will do fine. I have it planted near the front walk.
Mindy was especially nice to send a letter of introduction. She did a great job. Thanks so much. Linda
Edited to say My package is heading SW on Monday or Tuesday

This message was edited Jun 16, 2005 10:31 PM

Coventry, RI(Zone 6a)

Can I find out my trader's username? I have many thanks and questions!

Oh sweet prince charming of the plants, please reveal yourself!!


North Adams, MI(Zone 5b)


I am so glad you liked everything, I wasn't real sure if I sent enough with it being mt first trade. Enjoy your plants!!


Livermore, CA(Zone 9a)

Darn, I am so sorry I missed out on this trade. Will be watching for the next one.

Crossville, TN(Zone 6b)

I am very happy with my trade. I left some positive feedback on you. Go to your member page to view it. We are glad to have you on board DG (Dave's Garden). Linda

Westminster, MD(Zone 6b)

Talk about PRIZES!! My wonderful box arrived from Pixydish a couple of days ago, and it's taken this long to get everything listed -- I'm simply overwhelmed with Melissa's generosity! Lookit this wonderful list!

two different flowering tobaccos
an arum italicum
acanthus mollis
tiarella spring symphony
anemone nemosa (that doesn't look right - my daughter wrote these down at my dictation, lol)
New Zealand sedge (carex albula)
primula mahogany sunrise
japanese primula
Clerodendrum tritomum -- I AM excited!!
cranesbill (I didn't have a pink one)
sweet woodruff
crocosmia lucifer -- two BIG ones!
siberian iris
campanula lactiflora
pulmonaria tovi (?sp?) fontinus
and another grass that had a blank marker tag -- it's beautiful, variegated., but anonymous. :-)

This is my first DG's trade, and it's far and away soooo impressive -- mine, going off Monday, will just pale by comparison! Melissa, you are amazing!


Oh Geez! There goes my handwriting again! Sorry about the illegible tags. The green and white 'anonymous' grass is Carex siderostricha 'variegata', I think. It was another last minute addition and it doesn't surprise me in the least that I didn't identify it for you.
The pulmonaria is Pulmonaria "Trevi Fountain". Again with the handwriting. (I blame my third grade teacher). Then there's Clerodendrum trichotomum. The Anemone nemosa is actually right! I must have been focusing when I wrote that one! It's wood anemone and is a delicate early spring bloomer for moist shade. Pale blues and creams.

This was such fun! It does make me glad to know that you enjoyed digging through the box. At least now you'll have the right spelling in case you need to look anything up! And don't hesitate to email if you have questions. Glad we got you off to a good start trading here!

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

WOW you all got some great plants. I can't wait to see what I get.

This message was edited Jun 19, 2005 4:32 PM

Englishtown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Just sent my package off to the west coast! It's got a long way to travel from the east coast, but it should be there on Thursday!

(Zone 7a)

Some of you are going to put my poor little box to shame! LOL LOL

Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

Mine went sailing North today. Of course, that doesn't really narrow it down, does it...

Englishtown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Well that's the whole idea - it's a surprise swap! So those of us who haven't gotten ours yet now know that there's a chance that it's on the way. Helps to add to all the anticipation!

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Mine has not gone out, so people without plants - it could be yours!!

HA - how is that for narrowing it down ;-)

Westminster, MD(Zone 6b)

HeeHeeee! Mine's on its way, too -- and not going all that far... I also added an offer for some invasives that I particularly love, but was nice, and didn't include them!

Gadsden, AL(Zone 7b)

I sent my box out today. I hope I packed it well enough. I added lots of moist (wet) newspaper to prevent any drying out and of course some of the water seeped out and the postal worker looked at me like it was poison. "I swear, it's just tap water!"

I am so new here--I hope my offerings meet up to the recipient's expectations. I'm afraid I just don't have the great variety of plants that you all have.

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Could you have perhaps....delivered them....just south of you....???

Are you going to the Mid-Atlantic RU this weekend? Just west of Hancock, MD here is one of the threads:

I thought I wrote you before about puter has been iffy lately. I will write an entire post and then it won't go anywhere! So I know I wrote it but I forget if it was one of the ones that didn't get sent.


Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I will be getting my suprise box out this week! Hope I am isn't taking too long. Had a bad MS week last week and it is a bit cooler now so I am getting things together! Hope my "secret" person is as happy as everyone else that has received theirs so far!

Englishtown, NJ(Zone 6b)

The suspense is killing me! Hope my person likes what I sent!

Westminster, MD(Zone 6b)

Kim! The RU sounds great! It's a little close for planning, but I'll keep an eye on that Forum for the next one. We travel with all our dogs, in a motorhome, so that would've been a nice close destination, given that we get ~~7~~ miles per gallon!

Gee, IF you had been my secret buddy, I COULD have delivered!


Thumbnail by paste592
Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

but, but, but - you could still come....just for one night...

Okay, just so everyone knows, the mailman has already come today - he brought bills:(

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Well, my secret trader came thru today!
I was so rushed today after work. Bank, trying to track down a witness to my son's car accident, garden tour (roses were so beautiful), gave a tour of my garden to a couple here at my house, and then I got the mail!
Dispatcher1 was it.
She did a great job. I can't believe it. I had asked for fragrant and sun-loving plants and she came thru totally. I don't have a single one of the plants she sent.
Here is the list of many plants that she sent:
- pink cala lilies
- red glad. bulbs (can I still plant them this late here in Oregon or what?, anyone?)
- purple coneflower
- garden phlox-fragrant
- autumn clematis
- perennial sweet pea-fragrant (I always wanted this plant, so thanks)
- lance leaf coreopsis
- paprika yarrow
Now I just have to figure out where it all will go. I have an empty fence since my annual sweet peas didn't do too well, so that wall is taken up now with these great plants.
Thanks so much Dispatcher1. You are wonderful!
Trade with you anytime later in the future. You are the greatest!!!

This message was edited Jun 20, 2005 11:08 PM

Soooo. Mvespa.... West coast hmmmm? I wonder....

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

My box I am sending today seems sparse compared to some of these. How in the world did you all get much in a priority box?

Englishtown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Pixydish - I'll never tell!
Makshi - creative packaging is part of it. I actually used a larger box since I had so much I wanted to fit.

Coventry, RI(Zone 6a)

Okay, I'm still not sure who to leave feedback for. I LOVE my trade, they all have happy happy new homes, but I don't know who should get due credit! I have a real name.... Patrick.... So, would my mystery gardener please stand up?


Englishtown, NJ(Zone 6b)

LuLuLocks - what city & state did it come from - that might help you track the person down.

Coventry, RI(Zone 6a)

Silly me! Here's how deep in trades I've been: The package I *thought* was my secret trade was actually a box of goodies from a trade I forgot about.

My box headed south.....


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

LuLu - I reported receiving two hosta trades but one was a trade I made so don't feel too bad!

Hey Pat, you know that Campanula lactiflora I sent you? Well, now I'm not sure that's what it is! LOL I was out in the garden today in the area where I dug those out and noticed the blooms on the ones still there are not blue, but are pinkish white with wine colored speckles inside! The flower is a deep bell shape and extremely beautiful. Actually, I don't have the faintest idea where they came from. I don't remember ever seeing them before, so maybe they are a hybrid that happened in my garden. They'll be about 4 feet tall and covered with these lovely bellshaped blooms. It's definitely a campanula, but I guess they all look alike without their blooms! Hope this doesn't trouble you much!

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Hey Pixy - sounds like Campanula 'Elizabeth'. I just learned this yesterday since levilyla let Critterologist and I dig up tons! If Pat doesn't like them she can bring them right down here!


Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Mine is off and flying but in what direction I will never tell. Yes, I too had to use a larger box but still I couldn't have gotten that much in it.

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Well actually I sent mine yesterday so I am hoping it will be delivered by tomorrow.

Englishtown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Tomorrow huh? Couldn't have gone too far it you are expecting it to arrive tomorrow!

Westminster, MD(Zone 6b)

NICE. Pixy -- I'm almost sorry Kim ID'd them-- they were all set to be named Campanula PixyDish. Love the pink ones -- I just planted (from Bluestone) a pink one that, despite being 7" tall is blooming its head off.


Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

The jig is up!! Pat (paste) is my Secret Buddy!! Nothing like that anticipation when you get the box! Everthing will be perfect for my new beds!

My box was very well packed and contained:

Red Valerian (coocineus) perfect for choking out the weeds in our naturalized area
Lamb's Ear - Yeah! because I love to touch it
Sedum Sieboldii-October Daphne - my first! the start of an (another) addiction
Campanula carpatica 'Deep Blue Clips' perfect for the front of the bed, thank you for deciding for me Pat! Whew don't have to figure that one out
Rock Soapwort- I will choke out those weeds if it kills me! You know I am thinking now about the border near the neighbors yard - he will just mow down anything over there anyway if it travels too far:)
Cerastium tomentosum 'Snow-In-Summer' this will go under the Magnolia tree
Tradescantia 'Virginia Spiderwort' - the look of a grass with an added flower bonus!

What a wonderful package for my first plant trade!
Thank You Pat!

Don't worry out there your package is coming together nicely and will soon be on it's way....

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