Help me save my Japanese Maple!!!

Chicago, IL

So, I ordered a Japanese red maple from one of the "big" mail order house (cough michigan bulb cough) and while it would have been about twice the tree I expected for the price, well over 2 feet tall, whoever packed it decided to fold it in thirds and wrap it around the rest of the order in a small square box.
It's leaning over pretty badly, and while there are no true breaks, the most worrisome spot has a kink/ bend visible on both sides of the stem, where you can see the outer surface is broken.
What are the chances this will heal, or is there anything I can do for it, e.g. tape it up?
Thx . . .

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

Just me but I would return for a full refund! When I paythat much I expect a really good plant -Mitch

Chicago, IL

OK, how much did I pay :)?
Actually, the first thing I did was call them (there were two other problems with the order) and they're sending a replacement in the fall (like they or I will remember it by then) . . . that was the best they would do. Still, I'm not about to toss this one on the compost pile . . .

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Is it big enough to wrap with a tree guard of some sort? Try burying a stake next to the tree and tie the tree to it so it won't move. Keep the little trunk protected from the sun to prevent sun scald. Water and fertilize regularly. With luck it should put out new growth below the damage. Let all the new growth remain as it provides extra food to the roots. Next spring, prune off the damaged area and any branches you don't want.

Chicago, IL

Any chance a bent piece of trunk can heal to some extent, like a mending bone?
I've got it suspended by a wire in an upright position now, and I do plan to stake it. Much too thin to wrap anything around . . . so much good growth beyond the nicked part, I don't think I could bring myself to discard it . . .

Do these things do well indoors ever?

Porterfield, WI(Zone 4b)

A while back I realized that a splint I made for a lilac tree was a success. It too arrived bent and sad and was a "try it what can you lose" situation. I placed a piece of mini blind on each side of the trunk, and wound it with stretchy electrical tape, I realize not the most ideal thing to use, but It was handy at the time.

Well, completely forgotten about, I was weeding a couple of weeks ago, and there was my little patch, still on a nice thick branch, it worked!! Legit

Chicago, IL

We're talking drinking staw here, on a stem that's just starting to turn from green to woody brown--but I'll give it a shot!
Thank s. . .

Bel Air, MD(Zone 6a)

This is my Japanese Maple tree. I purchased it from our local Farmers Market, paid $24.50. Just put it in the ground monday. I water it everyday but have not put any fertilizer on it yet. So far it is looking good.

Thumbnail by sgtdot
Chicago, IL

Looks very good!

Chicago, IL

It's actually growing like crazy at the crown now-- still inside in a wondow, with the wire holding it up-- doesn't fall over quite so far when I take the wire off.
I plan to get it outdoors in a large planter in the next few days.
It's just a twig compared to the picture above . . .

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