I just plantd my first Container Garden....what do ya think?

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

Hi guys, I am posting on this forum for the first time....have been on DG for a couple years. But I wanted someone to look at my new container garden -my first- and let me know what their thoughts are...and when I found this forum I knew who would look at it for me..:o)

My entry-way really needed something, just looked boring....so this past weekend I bought one large, and one small Japanese Maple, two Hosta ('Patriot' and 'Fire & Ice), a fern (Burgandy Lace), and a Rodgerisia elegans, went and bought some planters I liked and .........ta-da! Instant interest in the entry-way! I am hooked and already have another grouping working itself out in my head to do this weekend....this is way tooo fun!!!

Can't wait to see what ideas I get from you all!


Thumbnail by jamie68
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

And a little bit closer of a shot....

Thumbnail by jamie68
Dry Ridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Looks very nice Jamie. I am wondering though if the Hosta will be getting too much sun. I've never grown them but I believe they do like shade as I've always seen them listed as great for shady areas.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

Actually, this spot gets a nice bit of morning sun, not more that 4 hours first thing in the am, then nice shade the rest of the day....most of these plants are shade lovers...Japanese painted fern, Rodgeresia, and both Japanese Maples like partial shade as well....I hope they all like this spot! I will keep an eye on them though - thanks for the thought!


Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Very nice, Jamie! That is a good size Japanese Maple.

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