Glaucoma woes

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I have glaucoma, as many of you know. I have already lost some vision from my left eye. The doctors put me on medication for it. Every so often I go for check-ups - just been for one today.

My left eye isn't responding very well to the medication. The doctor has said that I may need glaucoma surgery. Day patient. They make a little hole and the fluid drains out. 80% success rate. Downside is that it is not always successful and the convalescence can be long. In a good scenario it can take about a fortnight. But sometimes recovery can take several months. Side-effect of surgery is blurred vision in that eye. And there can be complications - infections and so on.

Do you think I would be able to hold onto my job if I had this? I'm doubtful. It's part-time and I only started in January. I need to think this over.

The doctor has put me onto a different medication. See him again in three months time. If that doesn't work then it's surgery. And yes, I'll go for it.

Worst scenario is loss of the sight in my left eye. I won't go blind as my right eye is still reasonably okay.

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Yes..I knew you have vision problems..I 'm so sorry to hear that this has getting more worse for you...losing your job would be so unfair...I don 't know what your legal rights are in your case...but anyway or anyhow...your health comes first...

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I wouldn't be allowed much time to recover from surgery as I only started there in January. The op itself would only mean one day away from working - it's the convalescence period that worries me. If my vision is badly blurred then it may make it difficult for me to work at my computer.

Three months on new meds. Fingers crossed.

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Sure..You 're in my thoughts keep my fingers crossed for you !

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you Saya. Let's hope that the meds work.

I had a word with the teacher who takes me for the teaching class that I'm on. If the course proved to be a problem for me I would be given the chance to have it marked at the June marking period instead of December - an extension. I'm hoping to do some voluntary work but that can also be wthidrawn temporarily.

The big thing that remains is now my part-time job. I feel I can't really say too much about this to the college at the moment. It also makes it difficult for me applying for a new job (I'm job-searching). Looks like I will have to put job-searching on hold. :(

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Lets wait and see. Hoping that this new medication works. This really puts you in a bind having this news come up at a time like this. You've got three months at least before you have to make major decisions, so hang in there. Hugs, Doris

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Do hope things work out on this Diane
Very difficult decision with the uncertain success rate and recovery time, but take your doctor's advice. glad you will go for the op if it proves necessary. Thinking of you. Hugs from me too :)

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you both.

Albany (again), NY(Zone 5b)

Northerner - best wishes with you during this period.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you sbarr.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Just reading this thread...I know many people who have glaucoma and have had this surgery with great success (here in Baltimore) at any rate. After surgery they need no more eye drops.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

There are risks with the surgery. And one of the side -effects is blurring of vision after surgery, for at least 2 weeks, probably longer. If that happened when I was doing teaching it is possible that I would lose my part-time job, such as it is.

I have had a problem relating to my medication. That problem has now been resolved, and hopefully my medication will now be more effective.

Thank you for your advice though.

Edited to add:
Forgot to say that eyes were checked again on Tuesday. Eye has responded to medication - not in need of surgery at present.

This message was edited Sep 15, 2005 9:28 AM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I am glad to hear the medication is working..I would think that your employers would be more understanding if you had to have the surgery. (letter from your Dr. saying it was necesary and such).

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Well, if you aren't able to work then from my own experience employers are not sympathetic. I lost my previous career because employers would not give me sufficient recovery time afer an illness.

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