First Squash of the Season!

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

DH just went to the garden and brought back our first crop of the summer- YIPEE!! There appears to be over a dozen green zukes, about 4-5 yellow squash and about that many patty pan(thanks sequee for the seeds).
Will boil and fry it all tonight for DHs lunch tomorrow. Will let y'all know how they tasted- espec the patty pan since I've never grown it before.

The rains we've had the last week or so [from our good Lord] were responsible for this as 2 wks ago it was sooo dry and I was doubtful we'd harvest much at all. Garden has turned into a jungle overnight- LOL!

I just couldn't wait! I have already fried up a batch of the green zukes and they were wonderful- Yum Yum!

This message was edited Jun 13, 2005 1:51 PM

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Oh my goodness, green with zuke envy. With all the rain and late cold weather, our 6b has turned into a 6a or 5b this year. Squash and melons are very slow.

Congratualtions berrygirl!!!

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks TamaraFaye!
I'll send you some of our hot weather!

Can you believe I am already giving these things away? LOL!!

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I enjoy the P Pan squash very small fried in olive oil and seasoned with garlic salt. My you are off to a good start it was 45 here last night it will be awhile for me. Last year I grew both yellow and green ones and found the yellow more prolific. They both were grown in close proximity to each other and were about the same sized bushes but the yellow out produced the green about 4 to one. This may mean nothing more than the green plant was not of the norm.

Are you growing green ones or have you grown green ones in the past and noticed a difference in production between colors.

Just finished eating the last of last years winter squash Ernie

Thumbnail by eweed
Cypress, TX(Zone 9a)

What a major haul you have there. I am impressed. eweed you seem to be pretty good at this gardening stuff.

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

good for you berrygirl...mine are wanting to rot with all the rain..dont even ask about those cannas..what an experience !

Sunnyvale, CA(Zone 9b)

Wow berrygirl,

Great! That's tons of squashes!
How many green zuke plants do you have? (You said you harvested over a dozen zukes?)


Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

This is my first year growing the patty pan. They are a creamy color. Didn't know there was a green. I got my seeds from sequee- so THANKS sequee!!.

We have had lots of rain too but now it is sooo hot! Drop me an email and well commiserate together about the cannas..... :(

There are about 6 plants and actually after I recounted it was 14 zukes!
Only have 3 yellow squash plants. They just didn't come up this year... but I am sure that will be enough-LOL!!

Now I gotta go to the recipe forum and find more recipes for squash and zukes!!

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