Cheap containers?

Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

Do you guys have any tips for where to find inexpensive containers? I'm especially looking for 20-24" containers for my roses. They're more expensive than I thought they'd be!


New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi Kelly,

I've used some pretty strange things. Like the styrofoam food coolers (the lids make good trays for underneath), mop pails, and small 5 gallon trash cans sold at the local dollar store - I've drilled, carved and melted holes in the bottoms.


~* Robin

Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)


Thanks, Robin! I never would have thought of the trash cans, but I like that idea. :) How do melt a hole in the bottom, though?


New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)

Hey Kelly,

This is one type I've used:
Chocolate Mint

Below is another type I've used: Tulip shaped for some lavenders.

Melt holes with a large heated nail, on the stove; make sure to use a pair of pliers to do pick it up with! A drill could be safer.

~* Robin

Thumbnail by NatureWalker
Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

kelley - if yhou have a sams club near you and they have a florist shop in it you can get FREE black containers to use. when i need some i just go in and ask. they give me all i want.

Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

Wow, free containers? Cool, I'll have to check it out! How big are they?

Robin, you're a brave person. :) I think I'll stick to my drill!


Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

or use your electric drill. I have used this to put holes in trash cans to make compost bins and into plastic containers to use for drainage. Come to the Christmas Tree Shoppe. They have the foam flower pots {quite large ones} for 19.99. I think they are 20-24". I know cause I just bought two smaller ones about 14" for 9.99 each. They won't rot or crack in the winter. I don't think there are any of these stores in NY but Kelly would have heard of them. The selection is a little better earlier in the season, but they had some great ones today.


Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I am using some of the 18 gallon green tote containers for my brugs. Not so pretty, but they work. You can also find the large plastic laundry containers with rope handles at some of the dollar stores. I just use a knife to poke holes in them. Black are available around Halloween.


Orange, CA(Zone 10b)

I've used muck buckets, trash cans, waste baskets, and even plastic file crates lined with HD trash bags. I have found that the oak half-barrels make the most economical and durable large containers. Home Depot and Wal-Mart carry them for about $17 a piece and they hold 3 to 4 cu. ft. of potting soil.

Chicago, IL

I picked up a bunch of 20" planters with bases for $8 a piece at Family Dollar Plus . . .

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5b)

Probably smaller than you want, but a couple of years ago, I was in to making container gardens out of old canners - the large kettles used for boiling canning jars. I could find them really cheap at Goodwill, Salvation Army, auctions, or garage sales. I found some that weren't just the typical navy with white specks - odd colors and stuff. Lots of times 50 cents or $1 would get me one. Drill a few holes in the bottom and makes a very cute container. Made them for mom for mother's day, sister's birthday, etc. Got into painting them with spray paint - any color you want - did some patriotic red, white & blue ones too.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

We get a lot of heavy duty containers at Tractor Supply. I'm sure any farm store will have the same thing.
Go to the large animal section and look around.
Horse or Cattle watering, feeding and mucking buckets, pails and troughs.
These are great for Water and regular Plant containers.

As these must withstand some serious abuse from animals you'll never need to replace them if used as pots.

Often they will have damaged throughs outside in a clearance area.
Farmers don't want to mess w/ them.
We picked up a 200 gallon Rubbermaid one for under 30 bucks.

Garage sales and Goodwill type stores are a great source as stated above.


Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the tips, everyone :)


Mobile, AL(Zone 8b)

I would definitely check the dollar stores. Someone earlier mentioned Family Dollar Plus, here we have Dollar General. I have bought several large pots there for $5 to $10. They usually have some really cute and inexpensive garden art as well (Bird houses and feeders, decorative stones with inspirational words or sayings, wind chimes, etc...).

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

My flower beds are full with Dollar General store figurines that I have gotten for $1 up to $5. But most of mine in the the $3 and under bracket. Frogs, toad, turtles, rabbits and and few chickens and teddy bears.

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Dollar store trash cans work great, and are right at 20X24.......I used a sponge and some old spray paints to add color and texture (stone effect). Be sure to put in two or three good drainage holes like others have suggested.


Flanders, NJ(Zone 6a)

Kelly, check out your local Wal-Mart or supermarket, they have these plastic bins, all different colors, with rope handles on the side, they are large and run about $4-5 bucks. I drilled some holes in the bottom, and they are working and looking great. I think they are for beverages, filled with ice, we use them for holding barrels of beer, and gardening, they are the real deal, and cheap. Danny

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I use empty cat litter tubs, too. I've also heard of people growing right in the potting soil bags. Just rip 'em open and plant the seeds in the center. The plastic bags keep the soil warm and encourage quick germination.

Again, don't forget to punch holes in the bottoms before you starts!

Kernersville, NC(Zone 7a)

I just bought 6 of the rope handled plastic tubs Danny referred to at WalMart. They are only $4.92 and they are huge. The rope handles are handy to move them, but if you don't like the look they are easily removed.

I'm planting my roses in larger nursery containers because I talked dh into making me pot skirts for them so no one will see them anyways. That company has good prices but I haven't ordered yet.


Santa Ana, CA(Zone 9b)

I go to open swap meet for used pots. 5 (1 gallon) for $1, or $1.00 for larger pot. No tax.


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

On the rope handled tubs...they also make a great place to make up your soil mix.

Then you can move them around the yard or into beds when planting.
Great for places you can't take a wheel barrow.


(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

butterqueen do you have a picture of your pot skirts. I checked out Morton Products, and I like the price and the pots, but before I would order any I would want to know what the shipping would be.


Kernersville, NC(Zone 7a)

Hi Linda, No he has agreed to make them for me, but it is on our evergrowing to do list. I'll post pictures when we get them going.


(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

Thanks Rachel I can't wait to see what they look like. I know how them to do list are. I don't think I ever see the bottom of mine.


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