First co-op dahlia bloom

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

This is the first one to bloom. It is in a pot and stands about 3-4 feet tall.

Thumbnail by rylaff
Eugene, OR

Man, That's not fair that your dahlias are blooming already and mine are still in pots about 5 inches tall, waiting to get planted in a permanent spot. That's beautiful.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

What is the name of the beautiful dahlia!

Eugene, OR

Carol, I thought it might be a Nicki K, but I don't think the Nicki has yellow in it. It sure is pretty though.
Good to see another Oregon DGer.
You must know Mendy. I have about 20 dahlias started from tubers that she sent to me a couple months ago.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Yep, she gave me some too. I also got some from Lenjo a few weeks ago too. I went up to her place in Mt. Angel and got a great tour and tons of dahlia tubers too. I will need to take out my front yard next year to plant more, lol!
Yes, it is nice to see another Oregonian.
If you do find out what the real name is, let me know. It is so pretty, kind of a bicolor one.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Rylaff, could that beauty be 'Amy K'? I'm thinking 'Amy K' has too much white in it though and not enough yellow.

Chad and Carol, we have Lenjo to thank for all those wonderful dahlias! It was her generosity that started it all. 7 Oregonians, 1 Missourian (?), 1 N. Carolinian (?) and 1 Belgian will be growing her dahlias this least that's all I know of. LOL


Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Yep, mine from Lenjo are still going to town. Won't be blooming for awhile but have all have healthy leaves so far.
Wow, all over the world. That is kind of cool!
Mine from last year are all doing fine and starting to bloom. So you have to take a trip around the detour and come up here. Take the boys to the park too.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

That would be fun, Carol. Maybe we can do that sometime this week. Today we are going to see my sister (she's in the hospital) and then DH and I are going out to celebrate our 12th wedding anniversary. It was actually yesterday, but since it was also Father's Day, we did some fun stuff with the kids.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

This week is kind of busy.
Am going to Bellingham to see my folks on Thurs.
Maybe next week would be better. More dahlias will be in bloom then anyways.
Am sorry to hear about your sister. Hope it isn't serious. Let me know.
Later, Carol

Eugene, OR

Mendy, I hope your sister is OK...and congratulations on the anniversay!
All of the dahlias I got from you are coming up. Right now they are only about 6-12 inches high, but it's going to be someting when they start to bloom. I had to dig an entire new section to make room for all of them.
Carol, will you post pics when your dahlias are in full bloom?

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Yep, I was going to do it tonight. But am going on a garden tour so I am not sure yet.
I took some pics this weekend but it was always windy so had blurry pics or the light wasn't the best.
But I sure plan on it soon.
Watch for "Carol's Dahlias" Soon!!!

Eugene, OR

I almost got blown off the roof while cleaning out my gutters this week end. I didn't even think about photographing anything. Great rain storms though.

New Hyde Park, NY(Zone 7a)

That is beautiful, I love them all

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Hope you have a good trip to Bellingham. I will try to come by sometime next week....I'll let you know when.

Thanks for the congrats on the anniversary. We had a good time tonight. I'm glad to hear your dahlias are coming up.....can't wait to see pics. Some of mine are getting buds on them. I don't think they will be as tall as they are supposed to be because I got them in the ground kind of late. I have been hesitating to top them.....not sure if I should now.

My sister is getting better....should be out of the hospital in a few days. Thanks for your concern.

Mendy :-)

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Maybe I will stop by after work tomorrow for a min. and see your dahlias. If you want to snip them back, do an experiment on one or two of them and see what happens. That is what I do to see how things will change or happen.
Later, Carol

Eugene, OR

I've been afraid to pinch mine too. Last year my dahlia, all one of them, didn't bloom until about August I think, but it got about 5 feet high.
Carol how many do you have in the ground?
I use Sluggo snail and slug bait, but something is eating it all every day I put it down. Probably birds. Sluggo is supposed to be pet friendly, but there is a LOT of Sluggo going into something's system. I hope it doesn't kill them.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

You wouldn't believe how many I have here in my small raised beds! I have way too many way too close but... I love them and I got quite a few tubers this spring and couldn't just let them die so... In the ground anywhere they went.
I had gotten 40 tubers last year, good deal, a dollar a tuber. Then this spring, between Mendy, Joann (Lenjo), a guy who was selling his 45 year old dahlia garden tubers for 25 cents each, and a few more from a garden club friend, oh and some from here on DG, I have lost count. Probably 100 of them.
I use Sluggo too a lot. This spring has been horrible with slugs. Tons of tiny baby ones that you can never find easily. I also use egg shells all over too. They didn't bother my dahlias too much as my other annual plants tho. I lost just about all my zinnias to those dang slugs.
My dahlia story. I will be posting pics when I have time. Been too busy and the wind lately.

Eugene, OR

100 dahlias. You could have your own dahlia empire going there, Carol! I put in about 20 along my front fence about 18- 24 inches apart and then had to dig out another space on the other side of my drive way for about 20 more. I have a few others still sitting in pots waiting for other plants to be put in so I know where to put the dahlias among them.
I'm trying to re do my front yard, but I'll be lucky to get everything in the ground before the summer is over.
If I put egg shells out my dogs would be eating them. The slugs are horrible this year. They are doing a number on about 20 hostas I have sitting in pots in my back yard, also, on my cannas back there too.
So your dahlias are actually blooming already? I think I have one small one trying to bloom in the back. I'll be watching for your pics and Mendy's too.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Wow Carol....100 dahlias! And I thought I was nuts with my 56! LOL I don't know if I will be home this afternoon. I am going up to see my sister again and then I'm gonna head over to her apartment and clean it up for her. I woud hate to come home to a messy house after just spending a week at the hospital, so I thought I would go over and straighten up for her. I would like for you to come see my dahlias though.....maybe tomorrow?

Chad, did you have to stake that dahlia last year? Was the top part of the stem thick and sturdy? Thankfully I haven't had too much of a problem with the slugs eating my dahlias. I put out quite a bit of Deadline earlier in the spring and I haven't seen very many slugs or slug damage since then. Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough. LOL

I think I'm a long time away from blooms still. August sounds about right for blooms on dahlias for this area.....the tall ones anyway.


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