Tricolor Beech at nursery is 2 colors?

SE Mass, MA(Zone 6b)

We are thinking of adding one of these beautiful trees to our yard, and a local nursery has 2 on clearance. The trees are about 11-12' tall, but their leaves are only 2 colors - dark burgundy and dark pink - any ideas on this? they are in full sun right now (they'd be in part sun/shade in our yard). my understanding is that some variagated trees do better (show more variagation) in shade. does anyone know if this is true of this tree? it would receive more shade in our yard - i've seen mature tricolor beeches that are outstanding, and the variagation is quite obvious...creamy, pink and green.

they are selling these trees for $119 (usually they are $300 or up). should we take a chance on this tree? or do you think something is wrong with it? any advice is appreciated!

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Kara, if the plant is healthy buy it! The lack of tricolor variegation is variable due to heat, etc. When grown in a container the variegation of plants tends to change. The triple variegation will show up once the plant has been established in the ground and colors will be more brilliant in the spring and cooler temps. It will grow fine in full sun...the degree of variegation may change with more shade than sun. Hope this helps, Debra

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

I have two of these trees. I have one at our city house that I bought as a twelve year old specimen. They are slow growing. The second year it was in the ground it seemed to fill out better and have better color. It is planted in clay soil and in full sun. I've had it now about five years and it has grown and is the most beautiful tree. It is the ONLY thing I am going to miss when we sell this home in three years.

We have a retirement home up north and I immediately bought another tri colored beech tree. I paid $200 for it. From the get go it was plagued with aphids and never filled out properly. After winter it was half dead and the first leaf that came out had holes chewed in it and a white worm thing on it. I treated it again and decided to tell the nursery I wanted a replacement tree. It is planted in sun in fairly sandy soil. I have no idea why one tree is so healthy and one so sickly. They are bringing out and planting the replacement tree this week. I sure hope I have better luck with it as I want it so badly to grow and thrive. I think it is one of the most beautiful trees.

If I were you, I would buy that tree. Keep a close eye on it and treat it for insects if you see any signs of them right away.

Good luck and post pics when it's up and growing.

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