Leaching Pot Plants. Best method and how often?

Deer Park, TX(Zone 9a)

I know that you need to leach your pot plants by flushing them with water to get rid of the salt build-up. But, I don't know the best method and how often you should do it. Also, what are the signs that a pot plant needs to be leached? Can someone out there help me?


Dry Ridge, KY(Zone 6a)

I don't have an answer for you as to how often but have actually been wondering the same thing myself. As for how I have always heard that you just remove the saucer if it has one and run water through it for a while. How often probably depends on the plant in question and how much fertilizer and water it gets, type of soil etc. I know I have a half a dozen low bush blueberries in 5 gallon buckets that have been in there for 5 years and I've yet to flush them and they are doing fine. I usually fertilize them once a month during the summer.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Signs that a soil needs to be leached:
Plants that wilt when soil is damp
Salt deposits on soil surface
Dead spots on leaves or burned leaf margins
You are afraid to "water too much" because soils retain too much water & you are afraid plants will "drown" (repot at first opportunity)

Ideally, a container soil should drain so quickly that it can be watered generously until water appears at the drain hole each time you water. This carries residual fertilizer salts out with the surplus water. Paradoxically, the more your soil retains water, the more it needs to be flushed, but the more dangerous it is to risk over-watering and the accompanying root rot issues. Containers that are never watered thoroughly enough to dilute & carry away fertilizer salts are problematic because a salt build-up in soils eventually prevents plants from absorbing water. The plant dies of thirst while the roots are awash in water.

If you use soils that retain their structure & insure drainage for the life of the planting, it becomes a non-issue.


Chicago, IL

pot plants?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm pretty sure we're talking about plants in containers, hoa_rd, not wacky tobaccy!

Al, thanks for the clear explanation & advice!

Most of my containers go on the deck or patio during the summer, without saucers, and I think the many inches of rain we got last night have leached them quite sufficiently!

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