Niobe Clematis

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

I just got a new Niobe Clematis and would like to put it in a large cedar/redwood tub with an obelisk. Would this make it through my zone 5a winters? Or would I have to bring it in?


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Jeanette..of course it would survive your zone..but, tell me what size pot was it in?..One must get the root system strong before putting in such a big pot..if they are small Clems ..I pot them up in a one gallon plastic pot with some bonemeal and keep moist planting them 2-4 inches deeper than what they are in that pot.....once they have filled that pot up with roots or at least down to the bottom..even coming out of the goes directly in the ground planting it 2 to 4 inches deeper than what it was in the one gallon pot with some more bonemeal ..if it was in a one gallon to start with and have nice roots go ahead and plant

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Thank you Jeanne in Texas. Yes, it was in a 4 inch pot and I now have it in a one gallon pot. Yes, I thought I would just plant the one gallon pot in the large tub, I think it is about 20 gallons, until it fills out the current pot and then put it in the larger one.

Yes, I know that the Clematis is one that needs to be planted deeper than it is now. Found out the hard way.

Thank you for your help. I lost a rose in that large pot. It froze.


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

"I thought I would just plant the one gallon pot in the large tub, I think it is about 20 gallons, until it fills out the current pot and then put it in the larger one"
That'll Work!!..Goodluck...Jeanne

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Jeanne, guess what!!! I just checked to see if the correction took on my zone, and it did not. I had tried to make it zone 5 and it keeps the 7 in there. So, now your answer to me will probably change.

I will try to change it again.


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Jeanette...I have several friends that live in Zone 5 and under ..even in Canada that grow Clematis..they are very hardy if given the proper planting conditions and sun!!..Like I said ..go ahead and place your One-gallon pot in the Large tub as you had planned and then plant it even deeper when it has filled in the one gallon can also mulch the top if you are worried about it maybe freezing this winter..or even bring the tub into your garage?..Clematis are known to survive colder zones than yours...You might be interested in my other forum as well... there are many very knowledgeable people....Jeanne

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

I have Niobe here in zone 5 and it comes back fine
My only concern would be that it might not work if its in a container
I think container plants wintered over have more problems unless you sink the container

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

Jeanette...It sounds like you and I have just done a similar thing...a niobe clematis in a large container with an obelisk....this bloom is just should be pretty!

Thumbnail by picturelady
Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

That is very pretty. Is it big enough to climb the obilisk?

CC, that was what I was wondering about the container. Without the ground mass to protect them?????

You and Jeanne both have a good idea maybe in moving it into a protected area in the coldest part of the winter. I was surprised that my rose froze. It was an "own root" and I really expected it to come back. I had it in an unheated room. So, it was protected but maybe not enough. Also, I got it from a local nursery that raises them.


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Bump to Hoa_rd

Chicago, IL

I don't think I have room to get my potted clematis in the ground this winter, but I have a few extra big tubs and can maybe pack the smaller pots in together with some kind of medium (and cover?).
What's a good protector to keep the wind off . . . weed fabric?

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