Dahlia foliage

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Ah well, no flowers yet, but the leaves on this one are about six inches long. Even if this plant didn't make incredible red and yellow flowers I could grow it for it's foliage. It gets at least six feet high here.

Thumbnail by doss
Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

Wow, that's really lush.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

And I just can't wait to show you the flowers. The stem on this plant is about the same size as the one on my tree Dahlia.

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

whoa, now that's some caliper indeed. My tree dahlias are up to about 6' now and although one had a run in with a gopher, they are all growing well. Maybe we should start a thread to share about everyone's experience in different regions with this plant.


Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Sounds good Don. Mine's about that tall too. It's a long way for that one to bloom though. Mine blooms at Thanksgiving. :-) It's a fun wait.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I planted all 20 of my dahlias out early last week. Some have burned leaves: not totally burned. Just tell me it's normal and I promise not to panic. I staked them, watered them, Sluggoed them, and tied them. Am I missing anything?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Swan Island quickly replaced one that stubbornly refused to sprout and the replacement we received has roots and sprouts. It's part of a matching set of three. Will it catch up in time to bloom with the others I started 4/14 and planted out last week? They're about 18" tall now.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

No, it probably won't catch up with the rest. It will just bloom longer in the season. Which is nice. You might want to add this one to the edge or end of your bed though.
I had 2 dahlia beds last summer. One I had planted sooner than the other and it was interesting that the later one did bloom later into Oct. and Nov.
But what is really interesting is this year, they are coming up just like last year. The first bed that was planted first came up sooner and is blooming sooner than the 2nd later planted bed.
I wonder why this is?
I would have thought by now they would be more or less even.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Dear pirl,

Did you plant your dahias right out from their grow lights in the basement? Did you fertilize them with something? Are they getting enough water?

A few burned leaves aren't going to make a difference. Don't worry about the size of it. Some of mine are only that tall and some are three feet tall. It depends on the cultivar. Even some of the big ones start late if they bloom late. Edna C. for example is only about six inches high right now but it blooms in late August through October. Not a good cultivar for a cold climate I would guess. The best you can do is to stick it in the ground and see, but I wouldn't worry. Dahlias are pretty hardy and if they are sprouted and in the right conditions they should be happy.

I have no idea how drdon gets his to bloom so early though. He's magic. I'll have to go out and check my tree dahlia - haven't looked at it in a few hours. :-)

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thank you, Dorothie (doss),

I had them under lights for one month, then hardening off in the garage, moving them gradually (over two weeks) into full sun and then in sun before planting.
They get lots of water from the irrigation system. I haven't fed them so it's probably just sunburn. Some (in total sun) show it more than others.

I didn't want to shock the new Midnight Dancer so just planted her and didn't give her anything extra except for compost and a lot of sluggo - just can't take those slugs!

The two I grew for a friend, same exact conditions, are IN BLOOM in her totally sunny and hot garden!

I promise not to worry, doss.


Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

One other thing is that your new one was probably field grown. You had a good start under your lights. I have one not that is just one inch tall. I had an iris this year that I planted among a bunch of others. The others all bloomed and the one stayed 6 inches tall. They'll send me a new one but you just never know how things will go.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I'll just keep hoping for the best.

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