Just Bought a Fuschia- how to take care of it??

Lyndonville, VT

It was hanging in the nursery so I had to buy it--but does it need lots of water- sun etc- do you pluck off the spent pods after the flower falls off??

Karen in vt

Tucson, AZ(Zone 9a)

I have to worry about mine getting too much sun AND too much heat. I water it twice a day and it's barely hanging on... but I'm in the desert. Yours should do much better expecially if it's in a nice big pot (to hold the water) Just check if it's wilting in the afternoon to see if it needs that second watering! I deadhead when I get the chance but I've been lousy about fertilizing - I think it's supposed to get potash. What the heck is potash? LOL It's my first fushia so you'd best wiat for someone who knows what they're talking about!

Congrats on your beautiful new plant!

Oakland, OR(Zone 8a)

As warm as your area can get, be sure to keep it in the shade on the coolest sides of your home and keep it watered. It grows like gangbusters in San Francisco, if that tells you anything. Dotti

Lyndonville, VT

as warm as it gets- you must be talking to Jen here:)LOL I am in Vt...will water it and it is in the a.m. sun side..so that should be good enough..


Oakland, OR(Zone 8a)

Sorry about that, Karen. For some reason I looked at your city and user name and translated it to Virginia. Your fuschia should do great where you have it. Just consider the error as a senior moment, please. LOL Dotti

Lyndonville, VT

naaaa no senior moments:)LOL so I should dead head the pods off after the flowers fall. Is this a plant that needs lots of water??

Karen in Vermont:)

Oakland, OR(Zone 8a)

As far as I know, it should never be allowed to dry out. San Francisco is known for it's summer fogs in the morning so the fuschias live in dampish conditions. I don't know what your normal summertime temperatures are, but once it gets up into the 80's and even upper 70's, I'd be very tempted to lightly spray the foliage, especially when the humidity is low. They can be tempermental, but there are times nothing fazes them. But, they sure are lovely when in full bloom. I hope you enjoy yours. Dotti

Seattle, WA

Fuschia will do better with morning sun and lots of Humidity. Not a lot of watering. If the fuschia gets droopy, you've overwatered it and then you get to start over by taking it out of the plant, rinsing the soil off and repotting it.

Filtered light is better. It should take off and start blooming in September. At least, where I am, Zone 8b, Fuschias do well in the cool weather.

Pinch off the used pods. If it's healthy, new buds will form.

This message was edited Jul 21, 2005 10:06 PM

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