HELP-What am I to DO..

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

What a real poor site...I need to know what to do with them..Was think to just cut off all the lower old branches and leave what is good???Or, are they dying on me????
Thank-You, Ingrid

Thumbnail by Paridise
Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Kind of hard to tell but they look like juniper or chamaecyparis... maybe arborvitae.

I'd suspect a couple of possible things.
1) Deer commonly eat off the lower portions around here
2) Did you just remove a bunch of undergrowth? Bushes/weeds etc.. ? If there was lots of vegetation underneath until recently... maybe this spring or even last fall... the lower branches just don't have any foliage due to lack of light. If it's either of my first two guesses above, they'll soon break new growth from the old wood now that there's light.

3) Is this along a driveway or road that gets snow plowed up along the bottoms? If so do they/you use salt or chemicals to melt ice up there? That will sure burn the foliage which would explain the naked legs.

It looks like you have fresh green growth on top. I'd just prune off any dead stuff, mulch, feed and water. If you have deer, you'll need to fence them or share...

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

Hi Blaine,
I think that the deer are helping themselves to that you said that..they have a runway strip back here..
I guess- I will do what you think regarding just cutting off the old and really feeding them..Hopefully, the appearance will perk up.
Thanks for your help.

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Hey! I just saw a note from pirl I think, in another thread about something called 'Deer Scram'. If you can get it up there, it works. no smell to humans but smells like dead deer to them and the case sited in the other thread was that this lady had been providing a deer banquet for like 12 years. Used Deer Scram and they were gone.

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

Excellent...That would definetely help..Must go and check for some..

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