Northern vs: Southern Catalpa

Porterfield, WI(Zone 4b)

I have about a half dozen young Catalpas that I started from seed about 4 years ago. These were about 3 ft high last year, and I think they came from the root last year too. Well, I thought that maybe once they reached a certain height, they would stop this and leaf out on the existing trunk. I was wrong, and again this year, they have plenty of new fresh growth appearing from the base, nothing on the existing trunk/stem. Will they ever stop this, or since I received my initial seed from a trade, could the problem be that I have started a "Southern" grown catalpa, and need to start over with new plants??

Looking for some advice from other Catalpa seedling growers. Thanks, Legit

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

Southern Catapla are not all that hardy, they are only to go to zone 5 with some protection they would come back from the roots. The Northern are safe for zone 4 - they would be what you are looking for. I do not have any Northern to offer but I would take a Southern one or three off your hands if you need a place for them to go... Long story short they should not be coming out from the roots. . . Mitch

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