HELP!!! I don't know what this is, and it won't go away!!

Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

This thing is making me crazy :( It was here when we moved in, I have tried everything I know of to kill it, and it keeps popping up all over my flower beds. I haven't even really planted this year, because I'm afraid that I'll kill the stuff I want to keep. Any ideas what it is? Or how to get rid of it? It is even growing through my concrete stairs, and into my basement through cracks

Thumbnail by Woofens
Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Janis, tell us more. Does it vine, what kind of trees do you have growing in the area. How big does it get and does it have flowers or what. Is it in the grass area of your yard or just in the flower beds....
This would help alot because it looks similuar to several things I have here including some Zinnias............

Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

Sorry.... the vines have thorns, and it does flower, nickle or quarter sized purple ones. It spreads by runners under ground. It is pushing my steps away from the house (they were part of the foundation) It is also growing up under my siding. I'm going out right now to take more pictures for you. It does seem to be concentrating in my flower beds. The people we got the house from saiit is an invasive weed and to cut it back as often as possible but no other information from them. We have elm trees in the back yard, (on the opposite side of the house, no trees in the usable part of the yard) I have found it in the grass, but not year as much as in the beds.
BRB with more pics
Thanks so much

Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

Ok, here is more of it. This picture is at the opposite end of the bed, probably 7 feet away. It is all the same plant.

Thumbnail by Woofens
Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

Another one again same plant, this time between the 2 already pictured

Thumbnail by Woofens
Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

Here is the stalk I guess..... it looks dead, but it is coming back, I can't even pull this piece out, it is so embedded between the steps and the house. You can see where it is pushing the steps out away from the foundation
Thanks again,

Thumbnail by Woofens
Muehlleiten, Austria(Zone 7b)

You know me for certain as Djad42. I am new at DG, therefore you are getting an answer to your question first now. I know this plant.
It is a terrible plant, that one does not get loose any more. I know this plant as a "devil twisted thread". I have already often dug it up but it comes again and again.


Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

Hey! Welcome to DG! I'm glad to see you here.

I have mine alot more under control than before, but it is still really bad on one side of the steps. Any ideas on how to get rid of it, or is it a never ending battle?

Thanks so much!


Muehlleiten, Austria(Zone 7b)

Hello Janis,
my father told me that one planted this plant on the edge of the fields as he was a boy. Through this hedge the geese could not eat in these.
These plants were removed with herbicides later. But, many decades later, certainly today, this plant is still there. So you are right with your opinion from a never ending battle.


Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

I was told they were planted here along the sides of the road to help stop erosion and stuff like that. We are very close to the edge of the road (less taht 10 feet) so maybe taht is whay. I just know I hate it LOL

Hope you enjoy being here at DG!


Muehlleiten, Austria(Zone 7b)

You therefore know how this plant came to you. It surely have immigrated on the underground way to you.

I am sure that we meet us in the MG forum next summer!


Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

This is an aweful, aweful vine! It hides in the weeds and when you pull the weeds and grab this baddie, you get a handful of painful stickers - poison ivy killers was my answer to getting rid of it.

Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

I will try that, thanks!!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

That's why the Angels made Round Up!!

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

You should post this plant in the invasives plant forum. I saw on the link that two vendors have it for sale!

Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm staying away from the invasives forum LOL I never know when I'm gonna open mouth and insert foot :)


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Maybe someone needs to update the PlantFiles to say that it has thorns and is invasive. Right now no one has anything to say, good or bad, in there.

Muehlleiten, Austria(Zone 7b)


Please, look closer at the Plant Files. There are also native Lycium in your land. Perhaps it is a native shrub and not the chinese plant.


Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

I've had the same kind of weed/vine here and I have just kept spraying it every time I see it. I used to pull it, but got tired of that process and tired of the thorns. I'm finally gaining on it. If you use an herbicide, some of the poison seeps back into the root system. It's horrible, and if you don't stay on top of it it's going to concur the world. I can't believe anyone is selling it!!

Union Grove, AL

If you try roundup and it knocks it back, try painting the leaves with full stength roundup cinvertrate,that kills most things, or if spraying is more your thing try a 30% and then if that is ineffective a 90% solution of roundup to water, that will even wipe out most nutgrass

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