Picked these up at Costco for $15 each

Kernersville, NC(Zone 7a)

Costco had these at $15 because some of the plants were fried. I wonder if they water their plants at all. Anyway, they still had some nice green in them that seems to be thriving so I grabbed the 2 on the table in the pic to flank my mom's front door and the whitish looking one on the ground on the left is mine. I spent $10 at my local nursery for some new plants to replace the fried ones, I'll also use some extras I had leftover from other containers.
They are 16 " nice pots so I thought the $15 was a good deal for them alone. They sell for $30 with no fried plants, so I saved $35 and got to customize them to match our color schemes.
I'll add pics of the renovated ones tomorrow, it is too dark now and I forgot the after shots. As usual, please disregard the terrible mess in my planting area :) I am off on Wednesday and hope to plant up the rest of my plants and be done with it.

Thumbnail by butterqueen
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Nice pots for $15!

Tucson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Woo hoo, you got a deal! Great job!

Schwenksville, PA(Zone 6a)

How come I never find deals like that? Are you a shopaholic, or just lucky?

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Lovely pots butterqueen!

Kernersville, NC(Zone 7a)

I do think this was a lucky find, but I won't deny the shopaholic part either lol. Thanks for posting to this, I forgot to take a pic of them redone, oops, will do that when it stops raining.


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

beautiful pots, butter.., can't wait to see the 'after' pictures...

are the pots made from the poly material or are they heavy? Great deal, too, that makes me like them even more!

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

no, I don't think they water things too well at Costco. But that sure got you a bargain! I went to the heavy plastic terra cotta look alikes as I was tired of having to take such precious care of the real terra cotta every winter and losing the pots anyhow. I have a place to get them but I have to buy them first thing in the spring to get the ones with the italianate swags on them. They sell out fast.
I am going to see what's for sale at my Costco tomorrow!


Kernersville, NC(Zone 7a)

Did you find any of them at your Costco?

Here is mine, Mom came and got hers before I could take a picture, but I'll go up to her house and get one. I just stuck everything I had that was purple in here, odds and ends lol.

Thumbnail by butterqueen
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Today our local Agway had a huge amount of pots for hanging on fences, on chains, etc. at 75% off. Great buy! Last year I got the huge Mexican pot on a stand at 50% off and was happy. This is an excellent deal for anyone around here who reads this but alas, there is nobody around here who belongs to DG - not even the master gardeners who come to me with questions.

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

I just went to Costco this morning, but they only had pots like yours with nice looking plants in them so therefore wanted the full prices. What nerve! Sigh. What luck!
I will check back with them next week and see what's up.


Kernersville, NC(Zone 7a)

pirl, I'd love to see a pic of your Mexican pot, that sounds beautiful. I wish I had Agway, sounds like some great deals.

Martha, don't worry they will kill those nice looking plants any day now lol.


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