Having some breathing problems

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I'm sure alot of you know about 7 months ago I had a heart attack and bypass surgery, The heart attack being from a genitic disorder, a fluke you might say, not because of blockage.

Anyways, For a couple years before the heartattack I've had pretty bad breathing problems, Not getting enough air in to satisfy me, and having to yawn alot to get extra air in. It did go away after the surgery, but Now I figure it was because I didn't over exert myself , in fact I didnt' do anything, so it wasn't aggitated I guess.

Well, It seems to get really bad during this time of year, it's close to l00 degrees during the day now. and a short trip to the garden has me gasping for breath, and when I drag the water hose around which is a good sized job LOL. I swear I act like i'm dying, I know I'm not but i'm having to just stop and take deep breaths, almost to the wheezing point but not there yet.

I feel a tremendous heaviness in my chest right now, no pains , but like something heavy is sitting on my chest and it keeps me from getting enough air in.

It seems to be getting worse every day now, I can't eat, lay flat on my back, do any kind of outside work or over exert myself even in side. Eating realy bothers me, I have to stop and just take in really hard deep breaths and their still not satisfying to me, and often yawning makes it satisfying. Like i'm getting in enough air.

Now, I have been to the doctor several times in the past for this, all times were before my heartattack and surgery, once they did a breathing test on me, and it came out normal, and I wasn't diagnosed with anykind of asthma. But they did give me a inhaler, which I used once and it promptly caused chest pains and a pain to shoot down my left arm, this was about 2 years ago that this happened, I guess if I had went back to the doctor then adn told him that had happened, I would have found out something about my heart and maybe not had aheartattack later on. But God only knows what would have happened really.

I though t it was some kind of food allergies, my family is alergic to wheat/gluten, so I went off it. It didn't change anything, I stll had the breathing troubles.

I do have a dr appointment on the l3th (was changed from the l6th to l3) 3 days is better than none I geuss. They said they can't stop me from coming in and just waiting to get in, but i'd have to wait 4 to 5 hours, and when I go in for my appoint ment , I still have to wait 2 hrs before i see the doc. cause he takes on more patients than he has time for. (another story ). Far short of going to the emergency room, there's nothing I can do righ tnow. And I'm in debt up to my eye balls from the by pass surgery and dr. fees, I dont want to add to it.

I did want to ask you guys, if anybody else has ever had this problem, not getting in enough air, to the severe point, and what is bronchial asthma, I do have altergies, I don't have thenormal alergy symptoms, just this (not getting enough air in) problem. I'm so miserable because I can't find out what's going on. Although I don't have alot of wheezing, Something serious is going on, and it's starting to scare me.

I don't have high blood pressure, I have unusually low blood pressure, which maybe be a problem as well. last time I went to have it checked at the health department it was 76/l00 which isn't extremely low, I think the 76 might have been lower, I jsut don't remember.
I'm just thinking seriously of calling the emergency room and asking them if I should come in.

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