Anybody growing flowers in EarthBox?

Sunnyvale, CA(Zone 9b)

I was wondering if anybody is growing flowers in EarthBoxes? What flowers are you growing? It is hard to believe but I have one EB saved for flowers. I would like to put it on my front porch which probably gets only about one hour of sun.

Any EB flower story would be GREAT!



Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Hi tmm!

This is my first year with EB's and all three are planted with veggies. I think flowers would do great in an EB. With all the success stories regarding veggies can you just imagine how flowers would grow! If you only get one hour of sun I would go with shade loving plants like impatiens or begonias. I bet they'll grow like monsters!

If you do plant one up please post pictures. I'm really interested to see flower growth in an EB.


Sunnyvale, CA(Zone 9b)

Thank you for your suggestions Toni!

This weekend I went to a nursery and got three 1-gallon light pink New Guinea impatiens (HUGE petals and they look so beautiful) and planted them in one EB. I am really hoping they will become monster sizes. Right now, there is a little space between each plant but hopefully that will get filled up shortly.

I should take a photo now so I can do a before and after. I'm gonna have to recharge the battery before I can do that...


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