Gesneraid ID's please

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

I posted 2 pics on the ID forum if anyone can help. I got a Sinningia Sellovii 2 years ago and fell in love with them. So got a few more at the plant swap this spring that weren't named and they are starting to bloom. I got Sinningia white Tubaflora?? at the swap this year but hasn't started to bloom yet either

A question about Hardy pink Gloxinia. I have tried to grow one for 2 years and it seems like once the humidity kicks in they die. The beautiful healthy one I bought this spring only lasted 2 weeks and died. last year I at least got blooms before it died. Am I doing something wrong or do they not like the heat and humidity of the deep south??

This message was edited Jun 6, 2005 11:44 AM

Thumbnail by DonnaB
The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Now that's an interesting flower.!

Sinningias are not my top plant. Keyring grows quite a few and perhaps will be able to give more info later on.

You can check this site for pics & info and see if it helps.


Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

LOL Ms C I have had this site bookmarked for a year. My keyboard gets wet everythime I go into the site from all the drool I keep making. Love it

DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

hey, I just responded to the ID questions. I don't usually visit that forum so if you post again, let me know here :-)

There must be some gesneriad afficionados at your swap! You're very lucky.

Now, for the "hardy pink gloxinia"... what are we talking about? Incarvillea delavayi? (not a gesneriad, but a begonia family plant).

Florist's Gloxinias? (almost hardy - actually not a gloxinia but a Sinningia speciosa - hybridized to emphasize the peloric flower form) Or really a gloxinia? Gotta luv these names.....

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Yes the Incarvillea delavayi. Thanks for the info

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