rose of sharon blooming

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

My Rose of Sharon is starting to bloom. How about yours?

Thumbnail by rylaff
Mount Pleasant, MI(Zone 5b)

Pssh! My Rose of Sharon finally has leaves on it! :P

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

yep... just leafed out and is now changing from the chlorotic look to the summer green

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

This is the first year for my Rose of Sharon. I planted 2 last fall and they are growing very nicely. Does anyone know will they bloom this year? I have noticed other peoples ROS's blooming but don't seem to see any buds on mine yet. Or do I just need to sit back and be patient and wait on them. I'm not a very patient person.


Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Woe is you.... oh unpatient one!
In case you didn't notice, even the butterfly bush can beat this when it comes to breaking bud in the spring. Very late sleeper.

Whether they flower or not will most likely depend upon the size. Did you get an established plant or was it some little stick? The freebies I had gotten from National Arbor Day foundation had to grow a couple of years and get a little size before they bloomed. Then again, it may also depend on whether you had a seedling or a rooted cutting. One of the cuttings of Blue Bird I mailed out today had a bud but these all came from an established bush. Cuttings I took 6/10. I did notice that mine had buds this morning.

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

I got them off EBay last Oct. and they had alot of roots on them. They had been cut back. I planted them then and now one bush is about 4 ft. high and the other is about 4 1/2 to 5 ft. tall. They are growing very will. I don't even remember what the name of it was, just that it is a Rose of Sharon.

Also do I need to cut them back this fall like a hardy hibiscus? Or just leave them along.


Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Holy cow!! Already 4-5'? I bet you've got some buds already or coming.

As far as cutting back, I don't have to on the ones I have. With Blue Bird I just do an overall deadhead at the end of the season so I don't have a ton of seedlings next spring. The other 2 just started to bloom last year but they're not rampant growers either. They have double blooms too boot.

Rose of Sharon = hardy hibiscus

Kernersville, NC(Zone 7a)

I love rose of sharons! I have 9:

2 Blue Satin- blooming
1 White Chiffon-a few buds but no real action yet
2 Althea purple, trained as standards- blooming
2 Althea Blushing Bride pinks- blooming
2 'purple' - buds all over, can't wait to see what they are!


Here is my kinda sorta blue Blue Satin:

Thumbnail by butterqueen
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Yep, my neighbor's double white and double purple are blooming up a storm.

Mount Pleasant, MI(Zone 5b)

I will add my White Chiffon to the list... She is just starting to form buds. Talk about late to leaf out! I was worried for a few weeks.


Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

That blue satin sure is pretty.

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

None of mine is even close to blooming yet! I planted them in full bloom at this time last year. I guess that was just the benefit of having been in a greenhouse, maybe??? I'll just have to practice some patience, I guess. Since they're such J Beetle magnets, maybe I can get all those buggers killed before the ROS flower! LOL

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

Patiences whats that?? I want them to bloom now.


Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

It was hard to me to display the dripping sarcasm in that statement, 2pugdogs. LOL I've always thought I may not be the best gardener due to my lack of patience. (It certainly is more expensive this way!)

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

I just came in from outside checking out my ROS's again, and guess what they are getting buds on them. Now if I can only use some patience and give them time to bloom. Where is my patience when I need it.


Kernersville, NC(Zone 7a)

The little buds on my 'purple' ones started to barely open this morning and they looked kind of yellowish. That will make me really mad, but I am the dummy who bought them from a road side vendor whose answer to every question I had was a shrug and a 'I dunno'. It rained so hard today all of my blooms and buds are mush or gone entirely, so I need some patience now again also:(


(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

Where does a person get patience at any way. Is it something we can buy, or maybe something we could trade with someone for, or maybe we could just send sase for it. If anyone out there has any clues please let us know.


Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

become proficient at bait fishing!! Catfish, sharks, etc. Gotta make sure everything is set up right and take a patience pill but stay very alert so you don't miss the bite (or BLOOM) when it finally happens. :)

I'm thinking if you've had kids then you should have a good handle on the 'P' factor. Nine months is a lonngggg time to wait and watch the bud swell wondering if you're ever going to bloom.

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

Will I have had three boys, and that is why I am trying to find out where to get some patience, cause whatever I had is gone. Being a male I am sure you know why I have lost whatever I had. HaHa


Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

oh yeah! Having participated in the raising of 5 of my own, patience has worn thin. Kind of like an old rechargeable battery in your cell that keeps giving you less and less time even though it's "fully charged". I still take a deep breath (or hyperventilate on occaision) and figure I'll wait it out but the time it takes before I jump just keeps getting shorter and shorter.

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