What's flying around my trees?

Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

I was mowing the lawn today, and it was like there was a cloud of insects buzzing around me when I was mowing under my two trees out front. I'm not sure what they look like--they seemed bigger than gnats, though. I think I saw one, and it looked like a somewhat slender fly with white and black stripes on its back, and even the wings seemed to be faintly striped (although they were mostly clear). Then again, those could be two totally different bugs. Does anyone have any idea? I'm curious, because they're annoying! This is my first house, so I've not really been concerned with stuff like this before. :)


London, KY

It sounds to me like they could possible be termites. If so you need to get an exterminator as soon as possible or thye will literally eat your house.



Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

Well, upon closer inspection, I'm relieved to find out they're not termites! They do look like flying ants, though... Thanks for the help!


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