Sick of my questions yet?

Mount Pleasant, MI(Zone 5b)

I hate to bother everyone again about my Redbud... but after hearing everyone tell me to rip it out, as it hasn't leafed out yet, I go outsie to find a few new suckers and leaves at the base of the tree. :- This tree was put in just a few months ago.

I swear I will quit asking about it ;) ... I just need some more help.. What do I do?

Slightly stupid in Michigan

Nick :P

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

I had the same thing happen to a redbud I planted 2 years ago and, like yours, it too came up from the roots. Cut off the dead wood, fertilize and water regularly. Next spring, while it is still dormant, prune all but the healthiest stem if you want a tree. If all the stems are still very small at that time, let them all grow for another year. This helps develop a better root system. Mine is still has all 6 stems. This summer I plant to do a little summer pruning. Next spring, I'll cut all but one and prune the remaining stem down to about 6 feet which is where I want it to start branching. Hope this helps.

Mount Pleasant, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks betty... The thing is.. and this sounds kind crazy.. I have taken a few cuttings and the wood is green.!? Any clue what is going on? I am also not crazy about waiting forever for the stems to get mature. I may just move it to the back acres and buy a new one.


La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

I've seen this in newly planted trees. Many trees have dormnt buds along the trunk. Something stressful situations, such as transplanting, can trigger the development of these buds. If the buds are located closer to the roots, growth redirected into these buds is more vigorous. In your redbud's case, maybe all of it, robbing the main stem of the nutrients needed for growth. You might be able to redirect the growth back to the main stem by removing most of the suckers and pinching the top tip on the rest. If you haven't fertilized it yet, do so. If the main trunk sprouts new growth, remove the remaining suckers.


Mount Pleasant, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks again Betty.. I read a few articles that said that redbuds were very slow to leaf or bloom the first year they are transplanted. I will give it a good shot of Miracle Grow this weekend, and strip off the little suckers.


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