fish emulsion

Ormond Beach, FL(Zone 9a)

What is the best way to apply fish emulsion to you garden. I have been mixing it in a watering can and soaking the roots every two weeks. This can take half the day. Does anyone put it in those hose sprayers? I know I'm going to feel really stupid when I find out I could have put it in a sprayer instead of wasting so much time with my two gallon watering can.

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

hiya bassetts,

Siphon mixers are great for this and their very inexpensive. They are available at your local nursery.


Russell, KY(Zone 6b)

I use it in a hose end sprayer and coat everything on the property- and if the wind goes wrong that includes me as well! Leave time for a shower .

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

You can also put it in a pump-up sprayer and quickly apply it as a foliar feed, too. This goes rather fast and really conserves your supply!

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Horseshoe, what is a pump up sprayer?

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Those are those cylindrical tank type sprayers ranging anywhere from one gallon in size to 3 gallons. You put your solution in them, put the top on and then pump a plunger thingy and it compresses air into it. Does that sound familiar to you? If not I'll go take a pic and post.

Ormond Beach, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks all of those ideas sound much faster than the way I've been doing it. I will try my hose end sprayer first since I already have one.

somewhere, PA

Don't you guys have trouble with the raccoons? I've tried to use fish
emulsion on my containers and the raccoons dig 'em up every time.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

That description will do it; thanks! I believe we've got one around here somewhere...

No raccoons around here (not yet, anyway).

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

ALSO, Horseshoe, I've just stumbled onto a thread where you recommend using those sweet gum tree "gum balls" for slug deterrents. Yippee! I've got lots of two things: gum balls, and slugs.


Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Hah! How true! Them dang thangs!! I never could stand a gum tree, thought they had the value of a broken ten-penny nail for years! And those gum balls!...well, don't get me started!

But, YES...excellent deterrents for slugs/snails, etc! And I hear tell that if you boil them up, serve them in a pasta dish, your Inlaws won't return for a while! (Not speaking from personal experience, ya understand now, right?) ;>)

Tammy...I've used fish emulsion for years here. We have coons around here but I've never had them come dig up my plants and such. (Guess they go more for my chickens?)

Ormond Beach, FL(Zone 9a)

I had a lot of problems with my dogs digging and trying to roll on all my plants. I recently tried Neptunes Harvest brand. It still smells, but more like low tide instead of rotten fish and no digging or rolling from my two dogs just some sniffing around on the first day but nothing damaging.

somewhere, PA

Shoe - the coons got my chickens until I finally figured out how to keep them
safe. They go out during the day and we lock 'em up at night (buried wire
fencing so they couldn't dig under the stall walls of the barn). But they do
dig up my containers when I use fish emulsion. Or at least that's what I assume
is doing it. Maybe opossum or skunks?

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Tammy....from what I hear, "a good coon is a barbequed coon".

As for me, I'm keeping an eye out for possums getting my chickens! Dang 'em! Fortunately they ain't into my field crops!

Good you can lock up your chickens at nite...that's the way to do it!

Hopefullly you can find a way to deter whatever it is getting into your plants. Somebody ain't playing fair!

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

What are Siphon mixers?

Collinsville, VA(Zone 7b)

Tammy, I used fish emulsion 2 years ago for the first and last times ;-) The raccoon(s) dug up every container plant I put it on. I would like to find kelp locally but so far haven't done so--may have to bite the bullet and order it online.


Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

So how does kelp compare to fish eml.?

somewhere, PA

I've never tried just the kelp. I use a mix of both.
Barbara - you'll have to give us a report on how just
the kelp works w.r.t. raccoons

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