yellow bush beans

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I grew these in a container and the plants did great. However, I wasn't sure about harvest time and when I finally did and cooked them, they seemed a little tough, compared with some frozen green beans I mixed them with. Had to use green beans because I didn't have enough yellow to serve, so I just combined. This is how I noticed the difference.

Any comments on when to harvest. Can't remember for sure, but I would say they were yellow for about 1 week before I finally picked them. Was that too late?

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Got me, Yellow wax beans are yellow from the git go. So I am confused about what you may been growing. Snap beans of whatever color need to be picked before the beans (seeds) are apparent.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

the seed packed says yellow bush bean, var. RODCOR. This is my first time, so I can't provide more info than that.

When I say they were yellow for about a week, what I really meant was they were BRIGHT yellow and full size. what I have were yellow from the git go, but the color got brighter and brighter and the beans were skinny and gradually got to be as thick as my pinky fingers. I'll try to take a pic of the ones I did not consider for picking. Maybe that will help.

I guess that by the way I'm talking there is no doubt I'm a newbie at this, lol

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I like to pick my yellow wax beans when there is still some green at the tip end. The beans (seeds) inside are just beginning to bulge the sides.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Ok, I am some what familiar with Rodcor. Not very many vendors tho. Where did you find the seeds? But to answer your first question, you would normally pick them when they approach full lenght but are about half size in diameter. That cultivar, pencil size. Bottom line, they began to get tough when the seeds began to form. Those frozen beans are picked with nary a sign of a seed ie Very Young.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

here is a pix I managed to take of two beans that I just took off the plant. The one on the left is what I was calling not ready; the one on the right is more like the ones I picked, but turned out to be on the "tough" side.

See how the one on the left is kinda green? BTW I bought the seeds from Parks this spring, can send you 5-6 seeds for postage.

PS: I think the plants are pretty much done, just a couple of beans left. When do I collect seeds? Sorry for all the questions, I really am a newbie at this!

Thumbnail by vossner
Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

To collect seeds, let the pods dry on the plants.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

do you want seeds?

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Thank you, No. There are several wax cultivars that I like better and I am not a big fan of wax beans anyway. Three bean salads and that's about it.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Farmerdill for your information, I'm not a big fan of beans either, I got them for the novelty. I think I'm going to concentrate in (container) growing various kinds of tomatoes in the future. that is something DH and I eat a lot.

Have a good, sunny but not too hot weekend.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Vossner, one comment about the beans that have grown past the tender skin can cook the beans (seeds) inside and discard the tough skins. These are known as "shellies" and are delicious, IMO. Just cook them along with the younger tender snaps.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

thanks, yuska, I will remember that. I forgot to say that even though skin was kinda tuff, I thought they were tasty.

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