Pinching back mums......

Joseph, OR(Zone 5a)

Anyone have a good site on growing mums, esp on pinching? I think mine need to be pinched. Here is a photo. It is the start of June and I don't think these should be ready to bloom just yet LOL! You can't see it, but there is a bud at the top, on all of the branches of my Corrine Mum. I bought this last fall, so I am guessing they should only bloom in the fall. The plants are now 12-14" tall.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thumbnail by orange_knickers
Joseph, OR(Zone 5a)

Here is the whole plant, with many new flower buds......

Thumbnail by orange_knickers
Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I keep mine trimmed back to less than 6 inches untill mid July.....than I let them grow and set bud.
This gives me plants about 24 to 30 inches (mounded) once in bloom around the beginnng of September.

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

yeah, what Riker said James. If I don't whack them, they turn into 3ft hedges that standup fairly well until all those blooms start opening. I have to cut the big purple asters as well otherwise when they bloom there's only a sparse foliage at the top as eveything else in the dense clump has been shaded out.

This weekend the hedge shears will be taking everything down to 6 inches. Then I'll do it again in 2 weeks and by that time it will be all those side branches that have taken off.

Joseph, OR(Zone 5a)

Thanks guys. That's what I will do then, trim back to 6". This will give me side branches huh? Sounds good. Marc, I will get that pic to you soon. Would mid July work for me here in zone 5 though? Does this applt to the annual variety as well, such as my German Flag Mums? I had nice buds the other day, but whacked em off. Felt really bad about that LOL!

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

James!!! Hold the phone - IF you like these mums and/or you have any fall plant swaps to go to, jam those cuttings in little pots and set off in the shade. Mums are easy to start from cuttings and this is a good opportunity to build some swapping power. :)

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I would think Mid July would work just as well for your area James.

Joseph, OR(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the heads up, I had no idea. These are very soft cuttings, will it still work? Shall I use Jiffy Mix? I have some extra. If you want some cuttings, lemme know, I have a bunch coming!

Marc-Thanks for all of the advice.


Joseph, OR(Zone 5a)

OK, so here is another question. If I let them go to flower now, and then cut back when the blooms are spent, will I get another flush come fall?

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

If you let it finish budding out now I doubt you'll get another flush like others. I'm kind of surprised yours is already budding out. Usually you see that on some bought in the nursery in the spring. Or like I ordered a couple of new ones (Vampire) and they're still in pots in the hoophouse and have buds. I'll just let them go.

I have one that buds in mid-June but doesn't open until all the rest of them do late august.

Pinching/cutting back also sets the bloom time back some which is kind of a plus unless you have early hard freezes.

As long as you've got a couple inches on the pieces, just stick them in whatever potting mix you have available. I would not recommend jiffy pots though because the peat dries out so quick. Unless you're going to do this inside or somewhere you can ensure they stay hydrated.

Joseph, OR(Zone 5a)

Thank you for all of the advice 8ft. I clipped and clipped today, very sad! Yep, they had tiny little buds. I planted these last fall. I also cut back the annual mums as well, they had really big buds! I guess I will be doing one more trim in mid July, and then I'll let them go. Plants are so interesting.

Thanks again,

Pelham, NH

Hello all

I'm new at this but enjoy it very much. I want to buy some mums, but I don't know how
to plant them or pinch them back. Can you help? I live in NH

Thank you

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