Can I save my snapdragon?

San Lorenzo, CA

My favorite snapdragon plant has developed a terrible case of rust. It's only 2 or 3 years old. Do I have to destroy it or is there any possibility of saving it?

See if you can do an internet search for this- Puccinia antirrhini

They sell fungicides for this but fungicides make me very nervous and they might be overkill. You might want to consider watering that plant in the morning so that the soil is dried out by night time. The other thing you might want to try would be Neem oil. I know it sounds silly but it can help even though it's not for this type of an application.

San Lorenzo, CA

Thanks for the name of the fungus--I've read everything I could find on it.

Just wanted you to know that I had to give up and remove the plant. The fungus was starting to hit the other plants--even the ones quite far removed. I did buy a fungicide and have started spraying the other plants at the first sign of rust. I think our unusual late season rains have finally ended and hopefully, I can get some control before I lose more plants.

I'm a pretty inexperienced gardener. I planted the snapdragons a few years ago and never had to do much to them except cut them back after they bloomed. I didn't recognize what was happening to the leaves until the poor plant was really sick.

I have put quite a bit more thought and work into this year's garden. And I have to say, I am enjoying it more.

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