Creatures of the night...

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

I went out just before going to bed last evening to take some photos that I had forgotten to take earlier...
When I looked at them this morning, I could see all kinds of little crawly creatures were already starting their work...

Thumbnail by picturelady
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Looks like the slugs and earwigs were partying at your place last night!

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

I think lately...they have been partying EVERY night !!!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I hear you! I went to take the garbage out late one night and found a 8 inch slug just inching his way towards my newly planted tomatoes. I can't stand the sight of those things so I started dancing around and acting stupid until my husband came to my rescue and flipped the slug into the alley with my garden trowel! Every night I see those things either crawling up on my garage or on the sidewalk. I HATE THEM!!! Tried all the traps....the slugs laughed.

As for the earwigs...... I HATE THEM TOO! They chew up my new seedlings overnight and they bite...especially when I try to sit on the front porch stairs.

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

I saw a long large slug for the first time in CA a few mornings ago...I have been sprinkling salt on them early each morning.
I use the liquid bait around new sdlg and plants. They die at the edge of the circle...and do not get over it!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I've used the salt and also vinegar on them. They just disintegrate! My neighbor saw two huge ones crawling on his garage one night and asked what to use on them. I told him vinegar. He came outside with a fancy glass spray bottle and proceeded to spritz away at the slugs. I noticed the spray coming out was brown and that's when both his wife and I yelled at him NOT THE BALSAMIC VINEGAR! He was using some really old pricey stuff his wife used for cooking! It worked though....they just dropped off!

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

I heard that spraying with ammonia also works...with the salt I think they try and dilute it with more of their slim...but it doesn't work. I guess it probably is the same with all the strong things we are using on them. Whatever works!

N. Mississippi, MS(Zone 8a)

Get a butter dish, fill it half full of beer and sink it into the ground around your plants that you want to protect. The slugs are drawn to the beer for some reason and die in the dish. It works overnight when you are sleeping and it really does work.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

For some reason, the beer trap ain't working here (they don't like stout?). But I did just read a suggestion to scatter seed balls from the sweet gum tree where you want slug protection. Those prickly things are supposed to help. Eggshells haven't helped me. My next step will be Sluggo or other iron phosphate trap.

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