My clematis is wilting!

Endicott, NY

I have a clematis Violet Star that I planted last year. It came back fine this spring, but now it is wilting right before my eyes. I have the roots mulched to stay cool, and the soil is not dry. Please, what is happening and what do I do? I cut off a good portion of it, but it doesn't seem to matter.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

It sounds as if it is trying to go dormant for some reason. I would have to look at the plant to suggest a reason, but don't cut any more of it off. Just let it do what it wants to do - stop watering it or feeding it, and it will probably come back this fall. I never cut back a clematis until Feb. or March, after it begins coming out of it's dormacy.

Lilburn, GA(Zone 7b)

Maddio...can't help you much...I have one that wilted and then just turned brown...almost overnight! This was the 3rd yr it was in the ground. I just cut it off at ground level and pray that maybe it might come back next year. All my others are doing well.
Good luck

Woodville, TX(Zone 8a)

probably is Clematis Wilt. When a vine is infected, one or more stems mysteriously wilt and die. If this happens, cut several inches below the dead stem or stems with sanitized pruning shears and landfill all of the debris. If the entire vine is infected, trim it to the ground. This is one of the reasons they should be planted deeply. New buds will arise from the crown underground. If you continue to have problems with Wilt or live in an area known to be badly affected by it, consider many of the fine species like the viticellas, alpinas and montanas. They are highly resistant to Clematis Wilt.
Got this excerpt from Brushwood Nursery info.

Endicott, NY

Sorry, I left out the part that it was on an arbor--I need something to be growing up it--should I cut my losses and plant something else there? Could there be something in the ground and if I plant another clematis, the same thing could happen? I really hate to wait another year to see what will happen. The arbor is in an important place and needs to be well covered to look good. Thanks

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