Yellowing of coconut palm

Lantana, FL(Zone 10a)

My fiance has a coconut palm tree growing in his yard. The coconuts and lower fronds are yellowed, and I'm wondering if it's just a lack of fertilizer or could it possibly be the dreaded yellowed coconut disease?...From what I've read online the first symptom of the disease is the dropping of coconuts, both mature and immature. This palm has coconuts, and hasn't dropped them immaturely or otherwise yet. I'm thinking it might be fertilizer problem because I know he's never fertilized it. He's the type to stick it in the ground and if it lives it lives, if it dies it dies. Boy did he need *me* in his life!

I know nothing about coconuts or palms of any kind. I don't like them, but for some reason people seem to think they're a necessity in the back yard if you live here in South Florida. I'd be perfectly happy to chop the darn thing down and get the chance to plant my beautiful potted pineapple guava! ;-D

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Don't fret, I think it's OK.....The young coconuts are usually light yellow and then turn to brown...It is at this point that people knock on my door and want to pick them. I did it one time and he made a mess....that was the last time. My handyman's friends came over a couple of weeks ago and were pretty good....they cleaned up, but also stood on two young coleus...I heard them coughing when they left....propped them up and one is going to make it. LOL

The lethal yellowing is about gone and I wouldn't worry about that. I have heard that some people are getting it again , but only rumor.

There are several types of coconut palms, one being more yellow in nature than the other.. I think it's call Maylasian Yellow.

Do try and feed at least in June, now, some 6-6-6.....October is good too.

My bone of contention with these is they drop, "BOMBS" ....I have a little shih tsu and I worry about him being konked by one. Mine are about 40' and by the time they reach the ground, they are traveling at a pretty good speed. I don't think that they would feel good on the head either.. Having them removed last week, I have about a 6 month hiatus before more Bombs...LOL

Good Luck


Lantana, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh my goodness! Doggie bombs! I never even considered the danger. We've got 2 chihuahua's and a pitbull running around here. The pitbull's got a hard head and is 75 lbs. of solid muscle but the girls (who rule the roost) don't even weigh 10 lbs. a piece. I might have to follow suit and get up there and cut 'em all down. They look really ugly to me for some reason. I will definitely treat with fertilizer, too. Thanks for the help! ;-D

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Interesting combo of doggies... hope you keep the pit well fed....LOL

Lantana, FL(Zone 10a)

Buddha's nothing but a big ole softy. He is the sweetest, kindest, gentlest dog I've ever known, and has a smile that could melt ice. All the meter readers love him, but are scared to death of the girls. It's fun watching them play. Buddha throws himself belly-up on the ground, and the girls "attack" from either side. He's been with them since he was a baby, and I seriously believe he thinks that *he is* a female chihuahua. He can't understand why he isn't allowed to jump up into laps like they are, all though he still likes to try sometimes! The girls rule him with iron paws. They chase him off his blankie so they can lie down, they attempt to steal his cookies and he'd let them if we didn't intervene. They like to egg him on to mischief with the garbage can due to his larger stature. We do dogsitting here at the house, and he has lived his life surrounded by everything from shih-tzu to golden retriever.

However, if someone were to approach any one of us with evil intent, they would end up regretting it. He saved me one evening when I went to the drive thru ATM. He was lying down in the back and suddenly jumped up, barking and snarling, hackles raised. This scuzzball had been creeping around the car, probably to grab my money or purse. Didn't happen. Until then, I'd doubted that Buddha had it in him to offer any protection at all under any circumstances. I don't doubt it now. On another occasion he pinned himself against this belligerent drunk guy that was trespassing on the property. He didn't bite him, didn't harm him in any way, just pressed himself against the drunk guy and wouldn't allow him to move any closer to me. He has excellent discernment. I feel safer with him around. Plus, he's so cute in his little Harley Davidson baseball cap and t-shirt! ;-D

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