Narrowing down my clematis selections...need help...

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

I am getting ready to place my order....probably from each of the following color groups...

What do you think of the following clematis:

Whites...Huldine, Edith and Henryi

Lilac...Emilia Platter, Prince Charles, Perl d' Azur

Pink/Rose...Princess Diana, Etiole Rose, Ladybird Johnson

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

I have Henryi and it is a prolific bloomer. The first two years I cut it back in the Fall. This year I hadn't gotten to it. This spring I looked at it and said to myself, I need to clean off that trellis. Good thing I didn't as it blooms on old wood!

Needless to say it is growing like a weed. It is about a foot away from the roof of the garage so it will be interesting to see what it does this summer. And it blooms all summer for me.

I just bought 4 new clematis last week but none of them matched your choices. I guess you choices vary with the rest of the landscape.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Where are you ordering from? I'm wondering if the source you're using gives you enough info on the varieties to help make the decision for you. I ordered mine during the winter and spent hours deciding on selections to give me color all season long. I ordered from Brushwood nursery and their website gives a lot of good info on the individual varieties and tells what pruning class each one is in. Henryi is the only one that you have listed that I ordered, and from TwinLakesChef's description, it sounds like a winner! Good Luck!

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

Thank you Arlene...that is a pretty one!

I am ordering from Chalk Hill and also checking out my choices on Clematis on the Web...and my book, "Clematis" by Charles Chisshire.

I am getting all the info. I need from these sources...I was just looking for some personal experience from those who have grown them. I will check out Brushwood nursery too. Thank you.

Looks like Henryi would be a good one to go with!


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

I'd choose:

White: Huldine and/or Henryi - Huldine is a newer variety, but when the "veins" in Huldine are backlit, it is absolutely gorgeous. Believe it or not, but the back of this Clematis is why so many gardeners love it! Henryi is a "tried and true" old time variety. I'm not familiar with Edith.

Lavender/Blue - Perl d' Azur if grown in more sunny locations takes on a bluer tone. This is another favorite Clematis that has been around for years. It's sometimes hard to locate.

Pink/Rose...Princess Diana is a favorite. Love the Texensis varieties for their dainty tulip shaped flowers.

This message was edited Jun 2, 2005 1:14 PM

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

Thanks Shirley...can you see I am getting ready to place my order?!

Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)

Greetings, I have several varities of clematis and all are good choices. Clematis "ervine" or common name Blue moon clematis is my very favorite. A pitcure of mine is posted on Darius thread under memberlist. Have a look. If I can help in any way
with questions such as pruning, were to plant ect. just let me know.


Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)


Just a quick note there's a wonderful clematis nursery on the web "Completely Clematis" they offer different size plants for 1 to 4 year old plants. Never have been disapointed with what I have got.



San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

Thank you Gary...I will check out the web-site you gave me.

I have only 4 clematis, Niobe, Etoile Violette, Hayleys Hybrid and Blue Moon! I got Blue Moon as Claire Du Lune....I was told it was the same thing. So glad to hear it is a good one! I just got it a few days ago and it is already putting out green growth.

Thanks for your offer of assistance also....I am OK with the heavy trimming of group 3, I think...but not sure about the light trimming of group 2.


Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Henryi, is a great choice! I have a picture of mine somewhere in What's Blooming today. It was over 7 ft and almost a total wall of white. I am now trying to layer some branches for my Mom and sisters.
Ramona is a very prolific bloomer. An oldie but very dependable.
I have added President last fall. He is pretty puny.
Gardner's Delight is my last one, it has fewer blooms.

Lavrica, Slovenia(Zone 7a)

Rose / pink suggestion: Hagley Hybrid and Princess Diana, as already mentioned by others

Dark violet: Warszawska Nike, an absolute winner for us

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