Million Bells baskets

Elkins, WV

How do you get those really full million bell baskets?

Lilburn, GA(Zone 7b)

Hello there!
You would be surprised how quickly these little guys grow once they get some warmth and sun. I would not worry about filling up a basket! I put 3 of them into a 1/2 whiskey barrel with some other items about 4 wks ago..they are crawling all over everything else and hanging about 8" off the sides.
Hope this helps.
carole in atlanta

Elkins, WV

We are starting them in a greenhouse. How should I water them from day one??

Lilburn, GA(Zone 7b)

I water mine when they are dry (the old stick your finger in the soil method). If you let them go too long they will wilt on you but perk up once they are watered. I try not to get mine get that far...I believe it stresses out the plants too
much. hope this helps

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Carole, how inportant is it to dead head them? The two I have now are fairly small and it's not too bad, but when they get larger, I can see that it might get to be a chore. will they keep on blooming well even if not deadheaded? This is my first year growing them. so far, they are doing well.


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