HELP! Please... Aristocrat Ornamental Pear Tree

-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

My mom (age 86) says my tree has the 'blight'. Anyone care to help me, please! I've got to do something quickly or I'm going to lose it, and the one next to it, and the one next to that one, and the other one across the yard, and I'm afraid if I don't do something fast I'll lose the two in the front yard, too...

I looked up the other day and some of the leaves and branch tips were brown. I figured they got broken in a high wind or something... A couple days later there were a few more brown leaves and branches... Today there are A LOT of them, and the one next to it is starting to do the same thing...

Anyone have an idea of what I need to do? I've gotta do something fast!! Thanks so much.

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

I recommend you get in touch with your local U. C. Extension Agent pronto. There may be something specific they have you do in your area. Here we are told to get a bucket 1/2 full of bleach-water, cut the "healthy" wood 24" below the fireblight. Place the infected branch into a plastic bag, dip your clippers into the bleach-water then cut another....on and on until you're done. You must not touch infected branches then touch the tree again. This is a good project for 2 people, one cutting and one bagging. Do talk with the U.C. Extension agent first though! Good luck!


La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)


Fireblight is spread from one member of the rose family (Of which the pear is a member) to another by pollen the bees carry. Bradford pears are very susceptible to fireblight. A few years ago, my apple trees were infected by some ornamental pear trees that were growing nearly 2 miles from my house. The advice our county agent gave me was to do as Kachinagirl recommended. The local county agent in Austin recommends using Lysol spray instead of bleach. Lysol disinfects without rusting the pruners. Additionally, I was told to remove all the flowers in the bud stage for at least 3 years to give the trees time to recover. Removing the buds prevents reinfection. With all the flowers produced by your ornamental tree that is going to be difficult to do. I wish you the best of luck also.

-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

Thanks, you two. I called my favorite independent nursery and they diagnosed it as fire blight. They told me to get some Tree Tone and follow directions for the amount to put on the ground. They said you have to eliminate fire blight by putting on a chemical called strep-something. He said it's the same thing as strep throat. He also told me to cut each branch off about 12" into the good wood. You guys have helped by telling me to sterilize the cutter EACH TIME I take a cut, and to not touch the rest of the tree. My problem is, the trees are 20' tall, and I'm 5' tall... now I gotta find a tall ladder. I purchased the Tree Tone today after work. I would have started putting it out tonight, but it's raining.

Thanks again SO MUCH.

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