Slow Growing Watermelons.

Clayton, NC(Zone 7b)

I was wondering if it is normal for watermelons to grow real slowly? I started them from seed a month to six weeks ago and they are just now getting their first leaf (small as it is). I planted peas, and pumpkin about the same time, and the pupmkins are getteing their third leaf and are huge, the peas are about half a foot tall and growing very fast as well. (note: they were all planted in seed trays, not directly in the ground, using standard potting soil). They are not in full sun , but do get some full sun. The problem with allowing them to get full sun all day is that the three inch pots I currently have them in do not hold a lot of soil, so the soil would dry out by the time I got home from work to water them. As it is I have to water them daily, unless it rains of course. Any insights?

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Watermelons do not do well in pots. They need to get that tap root down fast. They also do not like a lot of water. What they do like is heat and sand. In sandy soil they send roots 6 feet into the ground. My six week old direct seeded watermelons are already running.

Clayton, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi FarmerDill,

Thanks for the info. I just transplanted 1/2 my watermellons from pot to the ground (leaving 1/2 just in case I screwed something up. You know that eggs and one basket thing). Problem is the soil. It is rich in clay not sandy, though days are hot, so keeping it dry wont be a problem. The soil was tested and it has an untreated pH of 5.0 which I hope will be ok, if not I have some crushed limestone I could ammend the soil with.

Best Wishes,

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Watermelon is not overly finicky about pH but I would apply ground limestone. Most all veggies grow best in a pH of 5.5 to 7. Some sulk below 6.5. Clay is not such a problem in growing as in ripening. If it is a real tight clay, they have problems ripening properly and will be hard and not overly sweet.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

My watermelons are slow to take off this year. They were planted out in a raised bed at the same time and same soil conditions as the squash and pumpkins - which are ready to send out runners any day (nice plump leaves on them, growing fast.) But the watermelons are noticeably punier (errr, smaller).

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

Mine are doing awful too but my gosh its too cold. Its been cool here at night and today it is down right chilly !!

Dexter, NY(Zone 5a)

It has been cold here too. My watermellons have been sulking for some time now. I planted Blacktail Mountain watermellons in several locations to improve my odds of actually getting some fruit. They have several different soil conditions: dry and sandy, loamy/dry. loamy/damp and clay.
The one in clay just wilted up and died this morning. The others have two secondary leaves but do not seems to be getting past this stage. Well, the weather is warmer now so in a few days I should either have good plants or dead ones I suppose). I will try to remember not to water as much as my own thirst would encourage. I picture them lying there parched...dying for just a drop of water...and here I am with a hose. I will just tell them what Farmerdill said about not too much water.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

You would think with the rain we got, that mine would be all over the place. But they are barely up (half are not), and not even through the hay mulch yet...

Could be this isn't the best year for watermelons (unless your name is Farmer Dill LOL)

Sure hope that isn't the case...

Pleasant Grove, UT(Zone 6b)

Mine are not doing well either and I am not sure if It is because I started them inside and they are potbound or if it is because it is cold and wet. I may have screwed them up cause it was cool and wet for so long I waited too long to get them out. I am almost considering direct seeding a few more. I am worried that I wont have enough time though.


Clayton, NC(Zone 7b)

At least I am not alone

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Mine are slowly starting to take off, but they'll have to grow at warp speed to catch up with their Cucurbit family brethren out there :o)

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Well, I seem to have some volunteers out there,and one was under the row cover...

Thumbnail by TamaraFaye
Burlington, MA(Zone 6a)

I added composted manure and bone meal mixture around mine and they are doing great so far

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